Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
December 26, 2007
The Light of the World?
Category: Toys … TV, Film, & DVDs

Praise Doctor!

So I watched this year's "Doctor Who" Christmas special this morning. It wasn't fantastic, but I did find it to be rather enjoyable. It was probably the best holiday special that the current series has yet produced, though I suppose that's not saying much since the first was essentially an introduction to the 10th Doctor and the second was utterly ruined by that horribly annoying Racnoss thing. Still, I think that Russell T. Davies should stick to writing Christmas holiday episodes and nothing else -- the Doctor-as-Christ parallels are tolerable in them (see the above image), but any and everywhere else they're just bloody irritating.

I was saddened by the absence of Daleks in the Series 4 teaser.

''We am in light tent!''

I have begun fooling around with the light tent -- here is the result of my first round of experimentation. After having gone to such lengths to increase the exposure of the previous photos -- both using the camera's exposure setting and the white balance adjustment as well as the Xpose! plugin once I got the images onto the machine -- it's kind of weird to not need to do any of that with this contraption. I actually had to turn the camera's exposure setting down to produce this image. (I suspect that has a bit to do with Bizarro's skin tone and its apparently reflective nature -- Ravager and Slade appear pretty much the same in the shots with different settings -- but still.) And I would prefer a white background rather than the grey or blue choices that came with the tent, but that has to be ordered separately. This'll work fine until I get around to doing that, though.

As far as the figures pictured go, I've had Ravager for quite a while, but I broke her out again to pose with her dad, who I received last week thanks to De's tip about the sale over at Sci-Fi Genre. And this Bizarro is the same one I mentioned not being totally into before (or at least liking less than I like Batzarro), but this time I had a coupon that made him a bit more attractive.

Anyway, all for now -- hope y'all had a happy holiday!

-posted by Wes | 12:23 pm | Comments (3)
  • De says:

    Pretty cool camera work, my friend. I like how you can immediately see detail in Ravager's chain mail.

    I don't have the Ed McGuinness-style Bizarro yet, but I do have the original DC Direct Bizarro figure. Personally, I'm waiting for a Bizarro figure that looks like his appearance on Challenge of the Superfriends.

  • Wes says:

    Thanks, De, though I guess the benefit of the light tent setup is that it requires almost no camera work at all! Exposure values may require some adjustment (and the more that I think about it, I think it has less to do with reflective lighting than the fact that Bizarro's ghostly skin just doesn't highlight detail terribly well), but otherwise this is pure point-and-click action.

    And I do love that Bizarro you have -- it's probably my favorite Bizarro released to date, though admittedly the slightly ghoulish look of the figure (even with the goofy grin!) might start to unnerve me after a while. That one does seem to have better articulation.

    I'm sure you'll get a SuperFriends-styled Bizarro eventually, but in the meantime this Last Son one has a semi-similar rocky appearance!

  • Albert says:

    The Doctor as Christ...what about spinning it the other way around? That's a very odd thing to think about.

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