Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
December 20, 2005
Scary-Crayon holiday updates!
Category: SC Updates

Hey all. I know I haven't been posting much as of late (busy busy, not much to say, etc.), but I just wanted to remind you folks that Scary-Crayon continues to be updated more or less regularly -- and that we've got a couple of holiday pieces up: The Donatello Christmas Tradition and The Five SCARIEST 39¢ Christmas Cards. Among other things, of course. Hot Flashes continue to be posted as always, and the Crayon Haikus are making a comeback. Hopefully I'll get at least one more holiday article up before the 25th hits, and who knows what I'll have in store to ring in the new year? Maybe the saga of Krang will officially continue. 🙂

Happy holidays, everyone!

-posted by Wes | 5:40 pm | Comments (2)
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