Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
December 4, 2004
Should old cadavers be forgot...
Category: Miscellany

This morning, while idly looking for references to the old Dragon Ball page I used to maintain back in high school, I came across this. Funny thing? I still visit this IRC channel fairly regularly. It's on a different server and we stopped talking about Dragon Ball years ago, but it's interesting that a good number of the folks profiled on here still hang out in #db, primarily among the new school. Back when this page was made, I'd only met Brian and Bo in person -- both are from Maryland, and TK and I ran the DB page together and shared the hosting costs -- but since those days I've met a handful of them. I even caught up with Sherwin and Jesus this past summer at Otakon.

Oh, and while the e-mail address on my profile has long since been defunct, here's the very short and largely uninteresting story behind it -- back then I was really into DarkStalkers, a Capcom fighting game that later spawned an anime OVA and a fairly lame Saturday morning cartoon show (so, of course, I liked it more than even the game). Demitri, being the Lord of the Vampires -- and more than a little goofy, as he always felt compelled to declare his supreme evilness aloud to anyone who would listen -- was my favorite character, so I chose his nick for my e-mail address.

Demitri MaximovLord of the Vampires!

Actually, I probably liked Anakaris -- the mummified former Pharoah of Egypt -- more than Demitri, but only 'cause he was fucking insane. I'll never forget his classic quote: "I AM PHAROAH OF ALL OF EGYPT!!! GRAPEFRUITS AND KUMQUATS TREMBLE AT MY PASSING!!!" Back when my sister was still in middle school and got home earlier than I did -- which ensured that I'd have an audience, with Mom in the kitchen and Kristen at the table -- I used to bellow that line every day when I returned from high school. 🙂

Oh, and the title of this post is the title of an old Cryptkeeper song, since, per the winter holiday season, I've been listening to some old mp3s of Cryptkeeper's Christmas album that I dig up every year around this time of year. Seemed to fit the subject matter of this entry well, I thought. And, listening to it this morning, there's a spoken line in the song that actually made me smile from my heart. In speaking of his "cadavrous New Year's do," the Cryptkeeper says to his audience, "You know what makes this bash so great, kiddies? It's the one party that everybody shows up at! Eventually..." Kinda grim, given that you've gotta be dead to attend the Keeper's party, but at the same time there's something heartwarming about it.

I tell ya, creeps, we're not getting older -- we're just getting deader. Ja.  ðŸ™‚

-posted by Wes | 1:51 pm | Comments (0)
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