Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 23, 2004
NaNoWriMo, Day 23. LET'S GO!
Category: Miscellany

It's going to be hard work, but I think I'm going to finish it. At the moment, I've got just under 300 words remaining until I hit the 30K mark. Depending on what I get done tonight (I'm hoping to knock off at least another 1K words), that means I'd have to do around 3K words a day for the rest of the month to pull it off. That's certainly doable, and I've got Thursday and Saturday off... so I think I can do it. And I'll try. If I can break 40K on Thursday, I'll definitely be set. That's what I'm shooting for right now.

Thing is, most of what I'm writing is filler, so it's entirely possible that I'll break 50K words while barely scraping the surface of the story. Which is cool with me, since I can always write some BS to end it right there and call it the end, just to give it a semi-legitimate ending for the NaNoWriMo thingy. I don't think I'd even have to, but hey, that would be sporting. 😉

I know I owe you all many exciting topics in this space. I owe you an explanation of the horrible insult I got on Friday (though I find it pretty odd and even amusing that I find this occurrence more insulting than being accused of plotting to murder scores of people and of raping a girl about whom I genuinely cared). I owe you an explanation of the anonymity comment. I still owe Dee an explanation and analysis of the entry about sick sick Tammy Imre (or the case of the 8 year old stud, depending on your particular slant ;)). Have I left anything out?

Oh yeah, don't forget Taz. Ja! 😀

-posted by Wes | 3:40 pm | Comments (0)
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