Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 22, 2004
Yeah, whatever.
Category: Miscellany

I don't think the NaNoWriMo project is going to work. It's November 22 and I just broke 26K words. Of course, if I keep making progress like I've made and hope to continue to make today -- this morning I woke up at 3:30 AM and thus far have done over 3K words (as I write this, it's nearly 10 AM) -- I could pull it off, but do I really want to do that? I dunno. I'll probably go strong through Thanksgiving and then, depending upon where I am on the novel, make a decision. But if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath. On the plus side, if I drop it, you can count on getting an actual Scary-Crayon article before November's close. Rah.

In other news, lots of other folks are blogging about dating. You've got The Anonymous Blogger, The Anonymous Blogette (aka Pebbles Flintstone), Dave, and probably a bunch of others I've left out. Pam's blog is always about dating or something similar, given that she's recently become The Problem Addict.

Honestly, I don't understand it. I think it's downright weird to be this concerned with dating. Dating, dating, dating. What gives? I don't think much about dating at all, and I'd think about it even less if all of you folks weren't writing about it so much. Seriously, as Seinfeld would say, what... is... the deal?

Another thing I don't get is the Blogette's concern with maintaining her anonymity, just like I didn't understand the Blogger's interest in doing so (though lately he's become psuedo-anonymous). Maybe it's different for her, but in my case, anonymity has been all too easy to maintain. My name is all over the blog and SC -- sure, it's my middle name in shortened form, but if you want my full name (not to mention my telephone number and home address) you need only ask, or check the domain registration info, or look at the resume (which should really be updated) -- and yet I remain ultimately anonymous. Hell, I practically ensured my anonymity when I posted my photo and actually met folks in public. The simple fact of the matter is that, for me, I will always be more anonymous to people who have seen my face and/or met me in person than I will be to those who know nothing about me at all save what I've written.

So maybe that's why I don't really give a shit about dating, though I do find the musings of others on that subject to be more/less interesting at times.

By the way, on a related note, though I'll not trouble you with a thorough discussion of its connection to the preceding sentiments, on Friday I received the worst insult I've ever received in my entire life.

And we're done. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 10:28 am | Comments (0)
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