Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 12, 2004
Written on the interior of a public restroom stall:
Category: Meme

The # to which yuo pay with your life 666 [sic]

alqueda [sic]



In other news... NaNoWriMo project word count: 16,470

Yeah, I'm fallin' behind. Doesn't look like I'll be able to do much more with it today, since after I get off here I've gotta report at the bookstore for MORE WORK. And then work on Saturday and Sunday. Rah. 🙁

Fucking bookstore.

Courtesy of Mickey Glitter (!) comes this IQ test. I took it here at work today pretty quickly and scored a 156, which just goes to show that this test is BULL, man! I'd be curious to see the breakdown of my score, though, particularly with respect to the logic component, since I noted that there were logical problems with a number of the questions, such that to answer either True or False required making certain assumptions that weren't voiced in the questions. But since there were no "It depends" answers, I just kinda bit the bullet and went with one in those cases. So it'd be interesting to see just what they were looking for with respect to those questions, but unlike my darling Mickey, I'm not willing to pay for my Complete Personal Intelligence Breakdown. 😉

Aaand coming soon, Blogger caricatures, SERIES 1!!! STAY TUNED!!!

-posted by Wes | 3:32 pm | Comments (0)
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