Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
November 4, 2005
So it just dawned on me...
Category: Miscellany

...that Kim Possible's legs are thicker than her waist. Even the calves. I'm not sure whether to find that sexy or not. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be for real women, since no woman's waist could ever be that tiny. That would be (K)impossible! Not to mention unhealthy.

And how the hell does Drakken keep losing? I'd just snap her ass in half and be done with it. Oops, I broke your spine! 'Cause there's nothing but skin surrounding it at your midsection.

Also, Shego is totally hot. Way hotter than KP. I <3 Shego.

-posted by Wes | 7:13 pm | Comments (2)
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