Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 29, 2005
Halloween madness on Scary-Crayon!
Category: SC Updates

First, I spent all of today and a good chunk of yesterday working on Dusty Plastic HELL: The Halloween Special!!!, so do go check it out! It might be my new favorite piece on Scary-Crayon, though I often feel that way after finishing a big feature. This one even has footnotes.

I was going to go to a Halloween party tonight at the goth club, but I didn't. I'm a little sad about it, but ah well. I can turn out the lights and listen to goth music here if I want (and even download pictures of hot gothic chicks on the web!), and I guess I didn't need to get spend $30 getting drunk and passing out at the bar anyway. 😉

In other news, Celebrity Poker is a really enjoyable show. Unlike the actual media featuring the participants -- mostly television shows and movies that I hate -- it doesn't have storylines that are stupid, horribly contrived, insulting, etc., and unlike nighttime talk shows, it doesn't feature a smarmy, annoying host asking the guests a bunch of bullshit questions with answers no one should care about. It's just a relaxed poker game with five players who happen to be famous. And hell, I'd still find the show to be interesting even if they weren't.

There should totally be a gothic casino. With poker!

-posted by Wes | 8:34 pm | Comments (2)
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