Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 22, 2006
dalku tatorusu
Category: Miscellany

it's NINJA time!

And the next time you want to call me childish or immature or or worthless or whatever you want to call me because I like toys and cartoons, you just remember that magazines marketed towards adults are selling because they ostensibly contain images of Tom Cruise's man-boobs. Yep.

-posted by Wes | 12:17 am | Comments (7)
  • agustinaldo says:

    OK, i recognize Garu from "Pucca" and Slash from the original Ninja Turtles cartoon, but who the hell are the other two in the back?

    By the way, I don't think you are childish or immature. In fact, it's kind of cute.

    And I watch cartoon and have action figures, so I really can't criticize you.

  • Wes says:

    I do not believe that is Garu from "Pucca" -- as far as I know, it's just a nameless ninja bobblehead that I have somewhat unimaginatively dubbed THE NINJA BOBBLEHEAD (though perhaps he has a secret name unbeknownst to us) -- but now you've got me interested in watching "Pucca". I'd never heard of it before, but these characters are quite cute!

    As for the other two, they are two of the cloned Dark Turtles from the new TMNT cartoon (Raph and Leo, appropriately colored) -- hence the topic of the post. 🙂

  • Mickelodeon says:

    Oh, ick. Tom Cruise and his man-boobs. Probably a lot more about Mr. Overrated than I ever needed to know. =) I'll email you - hopefully this week if I don't call the factory my home away from home again.

  • agustinaldo says:

    Yes, I highly recommend "Pucca".

    It's really funny, and it has a catchy theme song.

  • Parizad says:

    Heh. Tom Cruise has man boobs? Post pic please. 🙂

    Wes, next time, just don't let those dumbasses get under your skin. Tell'em to fuck off and don't give a second thought to them. Better yet, tell'em to go fuck themselves with the rough end of a pineapple.

  • Keeper says:

    Look, I know I have a big mouth, but you are indeed a better man that most.
    I no longer have any robots, but I still have toys; like trains, models, matchbox cars, and other things, Teddy the bear, does not count, he is just a friend.

  • dave says:

    Next time I want to call you one of those things, I will indeed remember that.

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