Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
October 15, 2004
Today is going to be a long day.
Category: Miscellany

I've been awake since a few minutes before 5:00 AM. I've been here for over 5 hours. For a while, I was forced to endure the inanity of a group worse than the freaknerds. Take notes:

First there was a girl talking about her multiple past miscarriages and the apparent morning sickness from which she's suffering now, only to go on to talk about all of the sex she's been having lately with her new boyfriend, which has to be like the fourth she's had since I started working here. Why even call them boyfriends? It's more like "guys I'll fuck for less than a week and then not see anymore because I've already started fucking another guy". This girl is shameless.

Then there was this really irritating dude who thinks he's cool as shit alternately talking about freaknerd topics (comics and the like, but lacking the requisite comprehensive knowledge of them to at the very least come across as a credible geek) and about how, of all of the Asians in the school, he has the biggest penis, and if you don't believe him he'll whip it out for your approval and/or pleasure. This is the cocky (cocky!) kind of bastard you wish would say something like that to someone other than a freaknerd -- someone tough and get his ass royally kicked.

Oh, and something else really odd happened this morning, but that deserves its own post. Maybe I'll mention it this weekend.

So last night I meant to watch The Butterfly Effect, but I ended up getting bogged down with html until very, very late. Turns out that what I wanted to do with the iframe is apparently impossible, but I think I've come up with another way of implementing the iframe that should work fairly well. I could go without the iframe altogether, but it would simplify my work (not by much), and besides, after all of the time I've spent researching it and reading up on it, I feel compelled to use it in some kind of way. So with that done, I think I'll be uploading a preliminary version of the new Scary-Crayon layout tonight. What that means is that the current layout will still stand, but the prelim version (which won't have all of the new graphics in yet, etc.) will be viewable via direct link from the blog -- that's right, a sneak preview for Blog of Wes readers, since you know the webmaster and all. 😉 I'll also link it from the Site Talk block on the main page, but hell if anyone ever reads that. May toss up a quick Crayon Poetry Corner piece, too.

Oh, and I got a deviantART account. I may post a few pics to that tonight as well. Mostly stuff you've already seen (Neo Deep Dive Batman, Slash), but I'll let you know if I upload any new ones.

Of course, I'll have to do that after I get back from the bookstore -- I'm scheduled to close there tonight. Like I said in the topic, today is going to be a long day.


-posted by Wes | 12:52 pm | Comments (0)
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