Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 24, 2006

I watched New York Minute last night. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. The latest Crayon Haiku says it all, and see the attendant SC blog entry for a mini- review of the film. Oh my god.

Dr. Who and the DALEKS

In other news, my Dr. Who DVD box set finally arrived yesterday! So far I've watched Dr. Who and the Daleks, which isn't terribly interesting or exciting despite the presence of everyone's favorite salt shaker-shaped cyborgs. Part of the problem stems from the fact that it's adapted from and adheres far too closely to the second "Doctor Who" serial (which itself was fairly boring, the introduction of the Daleks notwithstanding), so there's nothing new here except the draw of seeing Daleks in color. I guess that alone made the movie worth seeing back in the 60s, but considering that one can not only see Daleks in color but see them in color and molesting naked women the thrill is all but gone at this point. I do like Peter Cushing, though, and the lengthy text bio of him in the DVD extras was a rather nifty read.

However, because the film does have Daleks, I now have an excuse to finally add images of them to my random DVD screencap script. Hurrah!


I added a bunch of others as well... click the following link (or just scroll down if you've already done so) to see 'em. See if you can guess what DVDs I snagged them from! Some are pretty easy; some are not.

so mysteriousguessing fun

The above two are from different films -- in fact, the second one's from an extra on the DVD, which makes it pretty tough. Apparently I wasn't compelled to take any screencaps from the movie itself, but I thought this shot was wicked cool. 🙂

so mysteriousguessing fun
guessing fun

If you recognize the character at the bottom, this should be fairly easy. 🙂

looks familiar...GIVEAWAY
open the door, get on the floor...the best of the best

You have no excuse whatsoever for not getting this one.

flameyOH COME ON
''He's a menace!''

Or this one, for that matter.

Hmmm.You don't even want to know.
BRAINScome to life, little skull

But you get a whole bunch of bonus points if you can place this film! (Hint: It's the only movie that I know of in which a demonic baby thing gnaws the holy hell out of his mother's breasts, after which the camera cuts to the floor to show a stream of milk dribbling into a big red splash of blood. Ugh.) Pat yourself on the back if you even recognize the actor in the first cap.

All for now, then -- until next time! 🙂

-posted by Wes | 8:56 pm | Comments (4)
  • agustinaldo says:

    "It's the only movie that I know of in which a demonic baby thing gnaws the holy hell out of his mother's breasts, after which the camera cuts to the floor to show a stream of milk dribbling into a big red splash of blood. "

    And somehow, you think a damn Olsen twins movie is worse.

    You are a sick man.

  • Wes says:

    I didn't say that New York Minute was gory, mind you -- just awful. So yes, it is definitely worse than that film. The scene with the baby and the blood and the milk was probably one of the most memorable horror movie kills I've ever seen, actually. I'm tempted to do a short SC piece on it. 🙂

  • agustinaldo says:

    You are weird.

  • Wes says:

    Yeah, I'd say that is a fairly accurate statement... 😉

Reply to Wes!