Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 16, 2005
Blood and games.
Category: Miscellany

Today, I woke up to a nosebleed. I opened my eyes, rolled over in bed, raised a tissue to my nose and blew -- I knew as soon as I felt the tissue's sudden soddenness -- and pulled it away to see a bright crimson splash on the white paper. And the blood kept coming.

Now, where other people immediately plug their noses and tilt their heads back, my solution involves blowing my nose tirelessly and continuously until, finally, I blow out a few fat black blood clots -- and the nosebleed ceases. So I spent the next twenty minutes doing that. My nose drips bloods no more, though two small wastebaskets are filled with tissues and napkins red (now maroon) with the sticky stuff. Perhaps later I'll feel weak.

I've also been sleeping with my light on this week -- because when I am ill my mind seems to conjure fantastically strange images in the dark. Not terrifying things, but unsettling things, or things that strike me as being weird in an unenjoyable way -- strange and complex games involving the alignment of the pattern on the sheets and that if I cannot get the wrinkles to match the design just so I will not be able to free myself from the bed, or things requiring me to trace my surroundings with my fingertips in order to find a door to push through and escape from my sickbed. All having to do with escape and games -- all having to do with confinement -- all having to do with sight. All more or less doomed to fail because they must be played in the dark.

Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 4:43 pm | Comments (6)
  • Becky says:

    Yuck, Wes, I hope you're doing better. I've never had a nosebleed myself...

  • Sam says:

    Once when I was really young I had to eat all the air in my room or I would die. I was so full that I couldn't do it so I just ended up crying, and up until this point, not dying.

  • Mickey says:

    When I was sick a few weeks ago and trying to fall asleep, I was convinced if I was on my right side, a large order someone placed at work would be fine. Conversely, if I was on my left side, the order would be all wrong.

    Strangely, though being on my left side didn't lead me to worrying about it and getting all hed up about it. When it became too much, I would simply roll over and all was good.

    Hope you're feeling better!

  • De says:

    Stop picking your nose!!!


  • L says:

    Get some iron in thee, and I hope you feel better.

  • Molly says:

    Once when I was three I was staring into the darkness and saw some specks and I was convinced I was seeing air. Then I remembered that on TV they said you can not see air. I thought there was something wrong with me so I started to cry.

    I still think I can see air.

    I get nosebleeds a few times a year so I feel for ya cuz I've been there. Sometimes an ice pack on the back of the neck helps, sometimes it doesn't. One things I try to do during the winter (when I get them the most often) is to use saline spray pretty often to keep things from drying out up there in the nasal regions.

    This TMI has been brought to you by the letters C, Z and the number 11

Reply to Molly!