Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 7, 2005
New plan.
Category: Dreams

I don't know how it happened, but this page ended up among the referrals to this page. That makes me glad.

In other news, I went to the local library and borrowed a bunch of books on Marxist thought. I meant to pick up some specific philosophy titles, but our library doesn't have them. I did get Harry Potter and Philosophy, though.

Oh, did I mention? Instead of embarking on this crazy move and losing myself in a new job, I'm gonna buckle down and study my options and apply to grad school. English or Philosophy? That is the question. If only there were a program that combined the study of both areas! Perhaps there is. I will look into it. Maybe one of my old professors knows something... assuming they remember me at all!

I feel more creative already, though -- I actually wrote a little of a short story tonight! And regarding the Marx -- that's more/less research for a book I've been planning to write for a while and will finally have time to work on. Nonfiction. Ooh baby. Maybe I'll dig up my drawings and finish that illustrated kids' book I started working on a while back, too.

It kinda sucks that I'm not working anymore -- and therefore don't have any more cash coming in -- but it's so refreshing to have a viable plan, projects to work on, and the time to actually see them through! Shit, maybe I'll even clean my room. ('Cause it's even worse now.)


-posted by Wes | 3:16 am | Comments (5)
  • Becky says:

    From a practical standpoint, I'd only do philosophy if you're going to teach -- otherwise, you'll be in the same boat you are now. Seems like English has more opportunity.

  • Omni says:

    Either way, it sounds like there are many LONG papers in your future... so do the one that'll make you the happiest.

  • danielleR says:

    I'm very glad about this decision, but you already knew that 🙂
    Really, go whichever way makes you the happiest, as any grad degree is a closer step to some kind of career than no grad degree...

    Though, I do know of some "philosophy of literature" programs/concentrations that you might find interesting. In fact, "philosophy of film" is kind of the hot new field, so you could go that way too.

  • congratulations, wes!

    i think it's awesome you've got some goals in mind.. - best wishes.

  • Wendy says:

    Yes, congratulations!

Reply to Wendy!