Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
September 4, 2009
Sentences of hilarity
Category: Linkage

From General Mills monster-themed breakfast cereals on Wikipedia:

Franken Berry was very popular when first introduced, even though the initial batches of the cereal used a dye that didn't break down in the body, causing many children's feces to be bright pink -- a symptom sometimes referred to as "Frankenberry Stool."

From Chubby bunny on Wikipedia:

Fish's parents subsequently sued the school district and appeared on "Oprah" to warn about the dangers of Chubby Bunny.


-posted by Wes | 12:45 pm | Comments (2)
  • De says:

    I had no idea what Chubby Bunny was until you mentioned it. Never played that particular game but I have participated in a number of eating contests.

    BTW, for another dye that doesn't quite break down in the body, try the Blue Raspberry Slurpee from 7-11. I always get a nice shade of green.

  • Monty says:

    They should make Franken Berry with that dye again and market the effect as a feature. Kids would love to have technicolor poo.

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