Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 31, 2006
Halt! Identify yourself!
Category: SC Updates … Serious

The second part of the Dalek piece is finally up. Make your own!

In other news, on my way back from the supermarket the other day, I was stopped by a policeman in the neighborhood. The policeman was very civil and friendly, but it was still fairly insulting to be halted and asked to present my ID just several doors away from my home on the street on which I have lived since 1988. (Not that I'll necessarily be here much longer, but still.)

I can appreciate the police's apparent efforts to investigate the so-called rash of robberies in the neighborhood, but this isn't a gated community and -- as far as I know -- it's not illegal for anyone to stroll into the community and walk the sidewalks as one pleases. And I'm always cooperative with police officers, but I kinda wished it had occurred to me to deny having had my ID on me just to see what would have happened. After all, if I had been taking a walk around the neighborhood, I wouldn't necessarily have carried it with me. Would I have been taken down to the station for questioning? Would I have been asked to leave until I could furnish proof of my residency? Or would the officer have taken me door to door, asking residents if they knew me? When one is regarded as a potential robbery suspect just feet from what has been one's front door for almost as long as one can remember, one wants to know the answers to these questions.

If there had been other people outside, I would have been interested in seeing if the officer asked them to present their IDs as well.

-posted by Wes | 1:46 am | Comments (10)
  • dave says:

    wes, they probably knew someone in the neighborhood had been daleks and suspected it was you. I'd say you got off by the skin of your teeth.

  • Mickelodeon says:

    Welcome to the police state.

  • Becky says:

    That's ridiculous, Wes. I can't believe how often you have to endure this type of crap.

  • Wes says:

    Mickey: You know, I might actually prefer a true police state in a lot of respects -- at least then everyone would be regarded as equally suspect in the eyes of the law.

  • Mickelodeon says:

    Good point, I hadn't thought of it that way.

  • Jazzy says:

    Police officers are supposed to be "there to help". No one said they were necessarily supposed to be smart...
    He probably would have stopped other people because, apparently, it's too hard to find someone with shifty eyes and a bulge in their jacket(aka a gun). *sigh*. Sometimes I don't understand why we even have the police. They don't do much around here, anyway. That's pretty obvious.
    On the bright side, nothing happened to you! Yay!
    Oh yeah this is Jasmin. I honestly doubt if you remember me at all anymore but I am Phyliss' daughter.(From BAM...)
    So hi!!

  • agustinaldo says:

    You think it's tough? Try living in Argentina!

    Down here, the police WILL take you for questioning wether you have your ID or not!

  • Wes says:

    Jazz: My memory's not that bad -- of course I remember you. 🙂 And you're right that finding someone with a bulge in his jacket pocket and shifty eyes is rare, but unfortunately certain physical characteristics are regarded as being analogous indicators of guilt.

    agustin: I've heard tales of police misconduct in several South American countries (though I can't recall whether Argentina was one of the specific ones named) -- it sounded like in some of those nations the police are basically thugs with badges. The stories didn't so much focus on police questioning folks as they did with brutalizing them and stealing their stuff, though. Very discouraging.

  • agustinaldo says:

    Not saying all the cops in my fair country are like that, but they tend to be the majority.

    And don't even get me started on security guards...

    That's why I rarely trust a real-life policeman.

  • keeper says:

    I like to go for walks at night, and I get stoped by the police all the time. The funny thing is, I work part time as a security guard, I see the same dumb cops all the time but they never seem to remember me. Maybe I just look a little too dangerous.

Reply to Becky!