Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 30, 2004
Hardware failure. :(((
Category: Miscellany

Quick post to share the bad news before I start getting ready for work -- about a half hour ago I got up and flicked on my monitor to be greeted by a blue screen and a message informing me of HARDWARE FAILURE and telling me to contact my vendor. That makes me sad. I've had this computer since '98, so I guess it may be about time for it to die... but fuck, it can't die -- it's my computer! And it's all I've got, so if it goes then I won't be able to do SC or come online or anything. Bah. I restarted the machine, and it's up now... and as far as I can tell I haven't lost anything, so at least that's good. Seems fine, too, but messages like that scare me.

I'm going to have it run a checkdisk while I get ready for/am at work (yes, I'm closing at the bookstore for the fourth fucking night in a row... and tomorrow night makes five) to see what's up, and then the rest of the week will probably see me backing up files or something. That may put a damper on my plans for SC, but if the machine holds up I'll try to get at least one new article posted in addition to those movie-related features. I may upload them sooner than Friday, just to make sure they get up before my system dies. 🙁

Alrighty, it's disk checking time.

-posted by Wes | 2:09 pm | Comments (0)
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