Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 15, 2005
An unproductive weekend, dating sims.
Category: SC Updates

So we're back to the grind with my second to last week at this job. The weekend, as usual, was uneventful and unproductive -- I caught up on much-needed rest, but not a whole lot else. Wasn't a total loss, though -- I got a new food review and a comic up on Scary-Crayon, and I sent out an article (with artwork) to an outside site to (hopefully) bring SC some traffic, so we'll see how that goes. If they don't want the article, though, it'll be perfect for SC! Actually, I'm kinda worried about the direction of SC lately -- I don't feel that my more recent pieces have been all that funny, especially compared to some of the older classics. Maybe I've been too tired and busy to really give it the time necessary to produce hilarity? Or maybe it's because things are so backlogged that by the time I get around to actually writing the articles, I've forgotten all of the funny thoughts I had that inspired me to write them in the first place? I dunno, but hopefully I'll write something soon that can be counted among the better pieces.

I also (unintentionally!) wasted a few hours this weekend playing dating sims. The above screenshot comes from The Garden Society : Kykuit, a short little game about some guy (you) who walks around a garden and talks to people. It's pretty sparse as far as options/elements go -- there are only like four decisions one can make during the game, and it doesn't have any minigames or gift-giving elements, etc. -- but it's a neat way to kill a half hour. I ended up getting with Nadine Lawless on the right. It's kinda funny how it happened, too -- which makes me wonder if perhaps one can learn something from these games. (Take note, TAB.)

See, you start out hanging with this guy named Corus, who's a nice guy but a bit of a loser -- and you can't hang with him if you want to get any of the girls. So when Nadine was around, I was really nice to them (when she was), and when no one else was around, I pretty much ditched him to be by myself, because loners are always cooler. And sure enough, when I ditched him, a girl would come over to chat me up! And then there was another part where Nadine was calling this guy a pervert and asked for my opinion "as a guy" -- and while my concurrence made her extremely happy, the other girl in attendance wasn't quite as amused. So obviously girls are different, and things that impress some might not impress others, but we've learned one thing for sure -- ditch your loser friends when they aren't looking! They won't know the difference.

I also got kinda caught up playing Ganguro Girl last night and wasted way too much time with that -- not cool. That bitch got on my nerves, too -- I got her to be my girlfriend, but she was still frigid as hell! And how many weeks did I spend in jail because I got arrested committing crimes in order to earn money to take her places and buy her stupid CDs and handbags and boots? Come on, if I spend a week in fucking jail for you, the least you can do is not be pissed off when I can't guess your favorite designer label and you never told me in the first place. Bitch.

Alrighty, that's all I've got for now. Ja ne, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 2:43 pm | Comments (2)
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