Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 13, 2006
Stuff that happened yesterday
Category: Miscellany

Using this touchpad on the laptop has been hurting my wrist something awful, so yesterday I went to get an optical mouse for the thing. Now that I've got it, however, I still find my wrist hurting -- and I look down to find myself using the damned touchpad. Old habits (well, not that old) die hard.

Something odd happened while I was out. I frequently pass by groups of teenagers while I'm out walking, and it's not uncommon for them to make some audible and unfavorable comment about me afterwards. If our exchange is of a more pleasant nature, words are rarely spoken at length: silent nods punctuated by the occasional "hey" or "how's it going?" sans an answer. But yesterday I passed by a small group of them -- one of whom appeared to be speaking on a cell phone. So despite her turning and making direct eye contact, I didn't realize at first that she was speaking to me when she chirped, "Hello!"

I was taken aback, but after a moment I responded, "Hi." Now, that is generally the end of sidewalk exchanges, but she went further and said, "How are you?" Her pace slowed; she clearly expected a response.

"Fine," I said. "And you?"

"Oh, I'm good," she said. And we continued along our respective paths.

Evidently one of her friends thought the exchange was as strange as I did; in the distance, he exclaimed, "Yo, what was that?" She told him to shut up.

In these kinds of situations, I'm never sure whether these kids are being genuinely friendly or subtly insulting.

Picked up some screws and tiny LED lights (seriously; guess why) and a couple more DVDs while I was out, too. It never ends.

By the way, has anyone ever tried to listen to an audiobook while typing or reading anything else? I'm finding it incredibly difficult to do! Image editing, however, is much easier.

All for now, then.

-posted by Wes | 5:41 pm | Comments (4)
  • Keeper says:

    You are a nice good looking young man Wes, don't be so cynical about life! There are still good people in this world. What good does it do to be so pessimistic? Would it kill you to smile and say hello to a stranger? The girl's positive attitude obviously had it's intended effect, and you can do the very same for others. Those that give love freely from the heart expect nothing in return, but are seldom disappointed. Keep trying Wes, you'll get there.

  • agustinaldo says:

    I agree.

    Many people admire you and envy your good looks.

    I think it'sd nice if you are polite to them once in a while.

    And you DID say you like cute teenage girls...

  • Becky says:

    I'm definitely no person to lecture on cynicism for I would've probably asked the girl if she was trying to sell me something. But, in this case, it sounds like she was probably genuine.

  • Jaime says:

    That's cause you're fucking hot.


    Why do you think I hugged a complete stranger with blue hair =p~~

Reply to Jaime!