Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 10, 2006
You're on notice
Category: Meme … Serious

Okay, so I kinda wanted to play along, but I quite dislike Stephen Colbert and did not want to post his picture on Wesoteric in any manner that remotely suggests otherwise. Now, I've always hated his show. I don't even like "The Daily Show" (I think the clips Stewart airs generally speak for themselves, such that his his comments and funny faces afterwards are totally unnecessary and kind of insulting, as if I'm supposed to think that what is essentially scrunching up one's nose after someone else lets a really rancid fart constitutes intelligent comedy), but Colbert's show just fucking sucks. What put him "on notice" in my opinion, though, was encouraging people to vandalize Wikipedia. I'll go on record and say that I think Wikipedia is probably one of the greatest things I've seen in years -- an online encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute his/her knowledge about any subject, resulting in a potentially limitless source of information about a wealth of topics. But it only works insofar as people are including information that is true. (Or at least what they believe to be true. Frex, this "Pee-wee's Playhouse" entry refers to Roger as a memorable one-off, whereas I know for a fact that Roger was in at least one other episode. It's an honest mistake, though.) So I really don't think it's funny that Colbert encouraged people to intentionally falsify entries on the site (about elephants of all things; I love elephants). To someone who strongly values the sharing of knowledge and information, that's like encouraging others to sabotage the construction of a spiral staircase leading to Heaven.

But also -- while Stephen Colbert would've been at the top of my list, at least at the moment -- I couldn't come up with seven others. I mean, I could've filled it with largely trivial stuff -- Colin Baker probably would've made it (I really dislike the sixth Doctor; dissing Peri's weight is not cool), and I was also going to give a slot to people who break ninja bobbleheads and seem determined to avoid watching Grave of the Fireflies at all costs. More serious inclusions would've included President Bush (duh) and conservative Christians. I might've thrown BET in for good measure too.

But I'm really tired and didn't feel up to explaining each of my choices -- which is undoubtedly what I would have felt compelled to do. And I still dislike Stephen Colbert. So instead I made this:

Take that, Stephen Colbert!

I think that works nicely, yes. (And since the Dalek covers up the text, the meme is available here.) Until next time, then!

-posted by Wes | 10:33 pm | Comments (5)
  • T.A.B. says:

    This was pretty funny. Except the part about Colin Baker. He's my favorite Doctor, only because all the other Doctor Who fans seem to hate him. I like his contradictory nature, colorful yet sinister.

  • Greg says:

    I think that's Colbert's gimmick, being a big political idiot and giving bad advice.

  • Wes says:

    TAB: I thought Eccleston's Doctor was an asshole -- and all of the Doctors have been more/less abrasive at times, with the possible exception of Mr. Nice Guy Davison -- but Colin Baker's Doctor was just a dick through and through. And he was just horrible to Peri! Every time I watch another one of those eps, I keep hoping she'll turn around and kick him really hard in the nads.

    Greg: Yeah, but that's irritating and stupid -- as if we don't have enough bad advice-giving political idiots in the world! And I'm not sure he can be taken strictly as parody, given that people appear to agree with him and do what he says. (I've read a number of blogs that decry his subsequent banning from Wikipedia for vandalizing articles as being a blow to freedom of speech. What?)

  • njwt says:

    Great photo.
    The Doctor is merely annoyed at us humans - us mere ape descendents, determined to muck everything up at any chance.

    The unsaid observation about Jon Stewart is that his entire schtick is simply the Rush Limbaugh show with a skinnier host and Republican president.

  • Davros says:

    Knowledge is power.

    Daleks seek power.

    Stephen Colbert seeks to supress knowledge.


    And we Daleks worship Peri as our godess.



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