Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
August 3, 2005
What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
Category: Meme

It's been a while since I came across a quiz that didn't use tables, so here we are -- gacked this one from Ebs over on LJ. So, what kind of novel should I write...?

You should be writing Literature

LITERATURE! - You have a story... Oh yes you do! You are
not quite sure what it is, but it burns! It burns to be poured
onto the page! Write! Write I say! And thrill us with your
unique view of the world. YOU are your own inspiration!

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
brought to you by Quizilla

There we are, then! And in case you're wondering, I'm probably staring at the crude sharpie drawings of pimps and hookers and misspelled gang slogans on a Metrobus at the moment of this posting (ugh) -- I'm testing out the scheduled post feature.

-posted by Wes | 7:38 am | Comments (2)
  • Jazz says:


    Why take that quiz? It is quite obvious that you should be writing! I mean...duh! hehehe...Or were you just bored?

    People actually draw on buses with sharpies? Thats so stupid....use spray works better....hehehe....:-)


  • Becky says:

    I think the pimp and hooker thing will get you an Oscar, at the very least...

Reply to Jazz!