Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 29, 2005
My Vegetarian Starter Kit has arrived!
Category: Miscellany

You can get yours FREE from, but believe me -- they're not kidding when they say it'll be a 4-6 week wait! I'd almost forgotten about ordering this bloody thing. It was advertised in the local paper and mentioned that it came with a DVD, so of course I had to go for it, given my unnatural lust for DVDs and my pseudo-interest in vegetarianism (seeing as how I don't eat beef or pork or any mammals at all these days, really -- though I do intend to sample these White Castle burgers from the dollar store for Scary-Crayon review purposes). Looking over the the reasons to go vegetarian printed on the DVD sleeve, though, already I'm expecting this thing to be hilarious. Mind you, a good number of them are valid points and make a lot of sense, but then you've got reasons like "Animals value their lives as much as humans do" -- really? how the fuck can you prove that?! -- and "Because you wouldn't eat your dog." No, that's true, but I wouldn't eat my beloved fish (R.I.P. Duncan) or my nonexistent pet pig either (I really think I'd like having a pet pig!) -- but I'd certainly eat some other fish! I could and have easily given up beef and pork, and the primary reason I eat poultry is convenience ('cause when one doesn't eat beef or pork, one's options are limited -- though that's beginning to change), but fish? Oh ho NO -- seafood is like the one thing I actually take pleasure in eating.

Yes, I know that "eating fish doesn't make [me] a vegetarian," but sooooo what? Fish... delicious. I know a girl who became a vegetarian, and it truly saddens me that the two of us will never be able to partake of another all you can eat sushi buffet together. SUSHI! I don't think about sex very much, but three of my four ideal erotic fantasies begin with all you can eat sushi buffets. The other involves milkshakes and peanut butter banana burritos. Don't ask.

Wait, I think there's one with oysters too! But we're getting sidetracked here.

And obviously I'm kinda drunk right now, so I'm willing to bet there's another one involving copious amounts of liquor. So I will watch a few more anime episodes and then pop in this DVD in order to achieve the maximum hilarity. Yes. Ja ne, minna-san!

OH, one more thing -- I never told y'all the mystery ingredient in the dish introduced in this post, did I? It's a chocolate cupcake. Aaaand we're out! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 11:34 pm | Comments (7)
  • Wendy says:

    I can understand being a vegetarian for heatlh reasons or because meat just grosses somebody out, but I've never understood the argument about not wanting to kill animals for food. Hellooooo?? ? Most animals eat OTHER ANIMALS for food! And if we're talking about the value of life, well where does it end? I value human life and animal life, but not plant life? I just don't get it. But I agree that I could give up beef and pork fairly easily. Especially beef. It's hard to digest and kind of gross.

  • T.A.B. says:

    Actually, I think we shouldn't eat plants anymore and just eat animals. But that's me.

  • Mickey says:

    "I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants."

    This particular quote was awaiting me today when I checked my email this morning; I was too quick to delete it and now cannot give credit where credit is due.

    But it's kind of funny, nevertheless. =)

  • Jesus says:

    People are dumb. Humans have been eating animals for hundreds of years. Having certain animals as "pets" doesn't matter. If you ever live on a farm you gotta care for the animals, feed them and what not. And you know what, you still eat them. My uncle and some of my relatives in Spain live on a farm. They take care of cows, pigs, chickens, and even have bees that they use for honey and etc. They still eat meat without any problem. You know what I think is really to blame, the crappy meat we have in the US. It's all drugged up and has so many chemicals to keep it fresh it loses a lot of its flavor. Eat meat in a european country like Spain, you'll reconsider becoming a vegetarian.

  • Becky says:

    I thought you said it was fish cake (which is usually pink/white)? Something to think about with those foods that get you in the mood in that they would kill your breath and make you un-kissable...

  • Wes says:

    Becky: We're talking two different dishes here! One was fish and mustard and cheese; the other was cereal and a cupcake and stuff. 🙂

    Lori: Just an expression, my dear. There isn't really a story to it! There's a story to the sushi fantasies, maybe, but it's not a terribly involved one. My first experiences with sushi also included some very attractive girls -- or at least I thought they were at the time! -- so to dine on sushi, in part, transports me back to a time when the taste of raw fish was new and exotic and I shoved whole mounds of wasabi paste into my mouth just to get a laugh out of my pretty dinner companions. 🙂

Reply to Wes!