Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 24, 2006
Dave was right...
Category: Audio

Despite my prior statement that official production of Daleks had ceased, two more Daleks (and one bastard Dalek that will likely remain unfinished) were created this weekend. One preexisting Dalek received an unplanned upgrade. Four Daleks now have interchangeable domes (!!!) and secret compartments. Yes -- they're almost like action toys! The aforementioned SC arts 'n' crafts article (working title: "Genesis of the Homemade Daleks") will be transmitted in two parts, the first of which will probably go up some time tonight or tomorrow.

I have also been fooling with Audacity in order to Dalekify my voice. Here are the test files for your listening pleasure:

"This is not war; this is pest control!"
"It is forbidden to dump bodies into the river!"

I have not slept.

-posted by Wes | 2:56 pm | Comments (5)
Reply to De Baisch!