Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 20, 2005
Something I've noticed...
Category: Serious

I almost always take into account the possibility that someone might be put off by what I say, but apparently I'm at my most offensive on those few occasions when I don't anticipate offense as a possible reaction to my words. Strange!

Do I want to cook tonight? I don't know.

-posted by Wes | 7:23 pm | Comments (2)
  • Jen S says:

    Yes, you want to cook tonight. It's healthier and way more yummy then going out. (Less expensive too.) ^_^

    Also, they wouldn't be offended if they were your friends. Cause I'm pretty offensive all the time, but I don't usually mean what I say in the mean interpretation, only the funny way.

  • Wes says:

    That's just it though -- I'm not sure it makes sense to call them my friends, at least not in a more meaningful sense of the word. You know how you can know a person for years and yet not really know a person at all? It's kinda like that.

    And with me, not cooking doesn't entail going out -- it means either microwaving something frozen or settling for a cereal dinner. 🙂 Cooking with me isn't often healthy, either, as it usually involves submerging something in a bowl of pancake batter and frying the soup in a grease-filled pan!

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