Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 20, 2005
FISH STEAKS! And dreamy linkage.
Category: Dreams … Linkage

And the mystery ingredient was... FISH STEAKS!!! Although "fish" would've been an acceptable answer. Don't know if you've seen those little tins of fish in mustard sauce -- "fish steaks in mustard sauce", "sardines in mustard sauce", etc. -- but that comprised the main ingredient. Usually those are under $1 -- while I probably paid close to 80 cents for the fish steaks, I generally pick up the sardine tins at the dollar store for 50 cents a pop. The cheese, also, came from the dollar store, being from a little tub of "chili con queso", which isn't quite an accurate description of the contents, seeing as how it's pretty much all cheese, but there you go! And no, there's no meat in it! They make it with powdered vegetable bacon substitute or something (which technically means that there were veggies in the mix after all, but in such a small quantity as to be negligible). On to the next!

Looks like poo.

Guesses what that is, anyone? Also, I'm going to go ahead and go through with that new site idea -- need your help on the name. Which do you like better: Grisly Grub, Grody Grub, or Ghastly Grub? I'm leaning towards the latter! And if you have any other suggestions, feel free to voice 'em. 🙂

I had an odd dream. I dreamed that somehow this impossibly cool package ended up in my possession -- two limited edition talking NAKED X-Men figures, Gambit and the Scarlet Witch (they said really sexy things!) -- but I had no idea who sent it to me... so I ended up going around and trying to find out through various detective-like means. First I thought it was my sister, then someone else, and eventually I determined that they must have come from this old classmate of mine at Yale. Also, I kept falling asleep in the dream and trying to convince myself that it was, in fact, a dream -- because really, would talking NAKED X-Men figures really exist? and besides, I've been disappointed too many times after waking up to find that I had only dreamed the acquisition of some really neat items -- but given that I kept waking up within the dream and still in possession of the figures, I totally convinced myself they were real. Then I actually woke up and was sad. 🙁 The dream also involved my continually losing my camera, only to have my sister show up later and return it to me, and at one point I ended up in the backseat of a car with a family of four and driving past a street of fast food restaurants. Weird.

More linkage, to get it off my desktop:

From -- Seattle man dies after sex with horse. Um... of course?

From DC Comics -- LEX LUTHOR WINS! My recent interest in Luthor and the comic history of certain characters on the Justice League Unlimited series led to a discovery of the fact that apparently, in the comic, Lex Luthor won the 2000 election for President of the United States! WTF?!?!? Who would vote for Luthor?!?!? By this point, I think, it should've been pretty obvious to everyone that this dude is bad news. Anyway, here's a mock Daily Planet article on his win -- it's even got a link to his Flash campaign ad. Pretty weird.

And it's just about time for me to leave the office -- ja for now!

-posted by Wes | 6:06 am | Comments (7)
  • Greg says:

    That reminds me when Cartoon Network had that election to see who was the best character in their bunch. I belive Scooby-Doo won. I'd pick Lex Luther over Scooby-Doo.

  • Well, there's Boo Berry cereral in there; for sure!

  • Josh says:

    wtf, I read the page about the livestock fucking.
    Booberry's Marshmallow bits and actual blue berries. CornFlakes?

  • Wes says:

    RtW is right about the Boo Berry cereal, and I'll give Josh the corn flakes -- it's acually Raisin Bran, but that's close enough! And of course there's milk. I'll also give you banana liqueur, 'cause there's no way you could've gotten that simply by looking at the mix...

    ...and that leaves one more ingredient!

  • Becky says:

    Well, you definitely win one for originality.

  • Josh says:

    bah. I thought they might've been blue berries cuz of the boo berry. Never seen blue berries in person. So the purple stuff is raisins from the raisin brand? Or is that what we're looking for?

  • Wes says:

    No, the purple stuff is the Boo Berry cereal! There are, however, little brown bits in there -- that's what you're looking for. 🙂

Reply to Wes!