Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 20, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

Well, they're up: Dusty Plastic HELL #4 (finally!) and A Crayon Haiku #15 (remember when just about every other update was one of these?). Took me a little longer to get this latest update up than I'd have liked -- tomorrow would've marked a full week since the last update -- but hopefully the next update will be up in half as much time. But first I'll have to figure out what I want to do for it. We'll see.

On the plus side, even with the brief hiatus the site seems to be doing well traffic-wise, and we're into another billing period so each day's traffic isn't being added to a bill for me anymore. Also, more folks seem to be checking out the archives and finding their way to the blog from SC, which hopefully means that, among other things, they're scrolling down the main page of the site and are maybe giving some of the links a few clicks also. (I've got a handful more to add in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.) Maybe someday they'll stumble across that donation button. 😉

Oh, and speaking of donations, one of Mickey's contributions to the Scary-Crayon cause appears in the latest Dusty Plastic HELL. Thanks again, Mickey. 🙂

Not-So-Random Link: Apparently, a drunken farmer in the Philippines nailed his wife's mouth shut and beat her to death in front of their children. WELL. Now, I'm not saying what he did was right, but given a lot of what I've had to put up with lately (not to mention during my life on the whole)... I understand.

Something fucking bit me.

And something bit the shit out of me the other night. No, I haven't been scratching either... it just got all red and shit like that. How does my skin even get that red? I think whatever it was laid evil eggs in my arm that are hatching and filling me with even more rage than I'm already accumulating from dealing with this awful job and coming back to this cramped room and putting up with my insipid mother. I THINK IT IS TIME FOR A TRIP TO THE HARDWARE STORE.

Fuck it, I'm done. Dusty Plastic HELL #4 and A Crayon Haiku #15. Go read them. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 11:12 am | Comments (0)
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