Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 19, 2005
The ugliest of dogs and Maddox on blogs!
Category: Linkage

You've probably seen this already, but PREPARE TO BE AMAZED if you haven't -- meet Sam, the world's ugliest dog! Holy FUCK that is an ugly dog. First six-legged puppies with two penises and now this? Jeez. This Chinese crested breed is interesting, though -- you wouldn't expect much from the breed that produced the horror of SAM, but a lot of these dogs look like ponies. Weird.

But that's not the second article I mentioned yesterday. No, that honor belongs to Maddox's latest diatribe, an impassioned attack on all things blog-related. I imagine that some of you will probably take offense at the piece, given the apparent importance you attach to blogging, but (as usual) I think he makes some good points in the course of his ranting. Frex, the point about the "liberal media" is a good one (though it's been made before).

Ultimately, however, I'd have to call this one a miss when compared to his better work, as it seems that the most amusing points don't actually obtain. I mean sure, I laughed when I saw his sample blog layout, but the truth of the matter is that, while a good number of blogs actually contain most of those subsections, the vast majority of blogs are actually fairly well designed! Of course, that's because the majority of blogs aren't designed by their owners -- they prefer to use pre-made templates more often than not -- but it still kind of detracts from his point. I also thought it was an especially ironic criticism, given that Maddox's own layout is pretty shitty. Mind you, it's intentional -- he wants to emphasize that content is more important than design, so he focuses on the one while pretty much ignoring the other (and has been very successful with it, given the rampant popularity of his site) -- but you'd still look oddly at a guy who intentionally pisses his pants and then criticizes other people for being incontinent! And besides, if he hates blogs this much, no one's forcing him to read them!

Anyway, that's my assessment of the article -- not that Maddox or his millions of devoted fans care much for my opinion. 🙂

Also, in my work e-mail account, I just got five copies of the same e-mail from some employee who lost her keys on campus. I was just about to censure her here for sending five bloody copies of the e-mail to the entire campus (!!!), but since there were five of the e-mail I actually read it -- and it turned out that those keys were turned into our office yesterday. So that lady lucked out! Also, the minutes for the last staff meeting are being written up at the moment, and apparently the department head wants things added to them that weren't even discussed in the meeting! What's up with that? It's meeting minutes, people -- not general office updates! Ah well. 😛

All for now -- feel free to keep guessing at the mystery dish in the previous entry, as nobody's discovered the final smelly ingredient yet. Next time I will reveal the answer... along with a new mystery dish to keep you guessing. Ja for now!

P.S. Would you visit a site in which mystery dishes were posted on a regular basis -- perhaps accompanied by a rhyming poem about it? 'Cause I'm thinking I may start up another website of sorts based on that premise! :mrgreen:

-posted by Wes | 9:26 am | Comments (4)
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