Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 18, 2005
The dangers of blogging and a mystery meal!
Category: Linkage … SC Updates

Hello everyone! Didja have a great weekend? Same as always with mine -- fairly uneventful, didn't get nearly as much done as I should have, which is to say that I got some things done (frex, a Scary-Crayon review of an educational Batman game, not to mention some food photography that I'll hopefully write up soon -- I've got months of backlogged food articles) but not others. This, of course, is understandable, as it would be absurd for me to expect to be able to accomplish everything that I'd like to do in a single weekend... but then again, my personality does have certain ridiculous aspects to it.

This did not smell tasty!

Let's play a game! You read the rest of this post and then, in the comments (in addition to whatever else you'd like to add), you can try to guess what the fuck that is up there. Here's a hint: It smelled even worse than it looks!

Anyway, let's have a bit of linkage.

First up, Omni recently posted about the potential personal and professional dangers of blogging, especially when one uses one's real name. I was originally going to say a lot more about this -- given that I write more/less under my real name and that the site is easily accessible from Scary-Crayon, which is all over my resume and is pretty much my calling card -- but I'll make it short:

I can understand people's apprehensions about these particular dangers, and I can certainly see an employer reading some things I've written here and thinking, "Whoa, this dude's a fucking nutjob! Better not hire him!" But at the same time, I don't think I'd want to work for an employer who would go out of his/her way to peruse one's personal writings and dismiss a person on those grounds. Granted, when I write about work, favorably or unfavorably, I try to keep the naming of places and persons to a minimum (though anyone who wanted to find out could easily find out where I work/ed, since my resume -- which apparently needs to be updated! -- is online), but who isn't critical of his/her work environment? Besides, a caring employer could actually use that information to correct workplace issues. But at any rate, if an employee is or seems like he/she would be good at the job, what he/she writes in his personal space shouldn't be an issue (unless it discloses confidential information or something). Any employer who doesn't understand this doesn't need kickass workers like the Wes!

Wow, that really wasn't very brief, was it? Maybe I should save the second link and my comments about it for later! I think I will.

What ever could it be?!?

Once again, that mystery meal -- your guesses here! By the way, it actually didn't taste too bad. I'd totally make it again! 😀 Ja!

-posted by Wes | 3:00 pm | Comments (17)
  • Josh says:

    Broccoli, Mac & Cheese, and ...Mustard?

  • Mickey says:

    I don't think I really want to know what that is, although I've seen something quite similar on more than one occasion.

  • Wes says:

    Josh has two of the ingredients!

  • Jesus says:

    I remember the first blog I made was mainly me bitching about people, so it had a lot of incriminating things. Which was one of the reasons I stopped blogging orginally.

  • Skeletoncrew says:

    Cheese, mustard, artichoke hearts or mushrooms, pepper, and a fork.

  • Wes says:

    Hmm, I can't remember if I put pepper in this or not! If I did, that's three, not including the fork. Two ingredients to go! Another hint: Look at the swirls in the mixture! And the final ingredient came in a tin along with one of the others. 🙂

  • Becky says:

    The white looks like mayo or sour cream (hoping for the latter). I'm also guessing butter.

  • Becky says:

    One more thing, do you have your last name on this blog anywhere for people to actually be able to find you?

  • Josh says:

    oh yeah after looking it at it close I too have to say there's mayo in there.

  • Wes says:

    Well, it's actually Miracle Whip, but mayo is close enough! That leaves one ingredient... the main ingredient.

    And Becky, my last name is mentioned in a few posts (and is noted in the resume), but apparently (and I find this strange, actually) googling my name doesn't bring up Wesoteric or even Scary-Crayon, though it does bring up a couple of links on the old Blog of Wes domain. Weird! But anyone who wants to find out anything about me could easily check the domain info -- not only is the domain registered to my name, but my address and even phone number are readily available. Scary? Perhaps! But I'm not particularly worried... 😐

  • Josh says:

    the main ingredient is love.. ^_^

    just kidding!! hahahah. I dunno I would've though mac n cheese was the main ingredient.

  • Wes says:

    Keeeeeeeeep guessing! :mrgreen: Another hint: There are no vegetables in this dish!

    To recap: Cheese, Miracle Whip, mustard, pepper, and ???????.

  • Wes says:

    I love your determination, Becky. 🙂 Try something with a little more substance! And I don't eat beef or pork (or any mammal meat, really), so that narrows the options considerably.

  • Becky says:

    Hmmm... I give up. I'm not much of a cook myself, so I'm already starting with a handicap.

  • Wes says:

    Well, it was fun while it lasted, eh? I'll post the answer sometime tomorrow. 🙂

Reply to Josh!