Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 12, 2005
Morning workout.
Category: Dreams

Since the bus this morning was packed to the gills today, I ended up being one of the many standing passengers. Not really a big deal, except that the ceiling bar was high enough off of the ground that I needed to stand on my tip-toes to reach it -- so there I was, straining to hang on as I basically dangled from the bar while pressing my toes onto the floor as hard as I could to keep myself from swinging all about as the bus turned this way and that! So I definitely felt the burn this morning. Kinda makes me wish I had access to a pullup bar!

I had a dream last night that woke me prematurely. After waking, I thought, "Man, I should get up and write that dream down!" But I didn't and went back to sleep instead. Now I've forgotten it. 🙁 But, speaking of dreams, I had a series of strangely erotic ones a couple of weeks ago! One involved being trapped in a falling elevator with two girls of my acquaintance, with one alternating between pointedly ignoring me and sobbing into my chest and the other seeming totally indifferent to my presence. And then there was another one in which a different girl tried to seduce me in my own room! Watching her try to maintain a certain sex appeal as she maneuvered around the piles of action figures and DVD cases that litter my floor was pretty amusing.

Today my horoscope reads, "Tonight: Finally, you feel the force." Um, what the fuck does that mean? Did somebody mail me a lightsaber? Interpretations welcome.

-posted by Wes | 8:31 am | Comments (3)
  • Becky says:

    I tried to come up with something clever and it just sucked.

  • Josh says:

    hey I had a dream that woke me up at 6:21 AM. I don't remember it either. Oh wait! I just thought to myself "I just know it was a nightmare." then I remembered it. I think little kids were trying to kill me and I was trapped in a fenced area. I think I lived and played at an arcade.

  • Wes says:

    I don't know what the force was, but I don't think I felt it.

    Then again, maybe I did!

Reply to Becky!