Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
July 6, 2009
Horror Obsessions: Kuchisake-onna

Hey, I think she's pretty...

Kuchisake-onna on Wikipedia

Google image search for "kuchisake onna"

YouTube video about the Kuchisake-onna

I'd kinda like to make a custom figure of her, actually! I'd just need the right base figure, a miniature surgical mask... and a tiny pair of scissors.

-posted by Wes | 6:00 am | Comments (6)
  • Mickelodeon says:

    That looks plenty fucked-up to me. Is that her mouth that's been torn? Ow. But awesome.

  • DrNightmare says:

    I remember that movie, and though I found boring, I still for some reason think chicks with a disfiguring scar on their face are sexy as hell (and hell is quite sexy!). I'm attracted to many weird things, but this is just one that I can't really find an answer for, lol.

    • Wes says:

      Haha, you and me both! If she came up to me asking, "Watashi kirei?" I don't think I'd be able to tell her the life-saving lie. She's bloody gorgeous.

      I didn't think the film was all that boring, actually. It was certainly less boring (and less confusing... and less stupid) than most J-horror films I've seen!

Reply to Wes!