Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 24, 2004
Tell me something I don't know.
Category: Miscellany

Subject: [Info]_Traffic_limit:_100%_reached

Dear Brandon Dennis,

You have used 100% of your included monthly traffic of 5000 MB (5.00 GB).

Traffic above and beyond the free volume will be charged at the price shown on our Website.

Please note that you can check your current traffic usage in the Control Panel at any time, as well as set your own cost limit.

Yours sincerely,
1&1 Internet Team

Yeah, I'd already seen the logs, but I guess it takes a day or so for them to process 'em over in the billing department. Also, I was right, and the billing period starts on the 17th -- so I've got just over three weeks of bandwidth to look forward to paying. Of course, I could always shut the site down for a bit (and believe me, if the fees get high enough, I will), but nobody wants that, least of all me. So we'll stick it out for the time being and see what happens.

Unique Visits to Scary-Crayon, June 2004

If you can't read the text or just wanna see the image full-size, click on it. As you can see, visits show a decline since that AMAZING figure (to me, anyway) of 8196 uniques, but 5384 unique visits and 2.5 gigs of traffic is nothing to sneeze at either. By comparison, check out the other days of the month -- that's what SC was used to, folks. I remember thinking, "Gee, I sure wish more people would visit SC." You probably remember me blogging about it. Now, I'm like, "HOLY FUCK TOO MANY PEOPLE YAY I LIKE THEM BUT I WISH THEY WOULD READ MORE STUFF AND DONATE SO I DON'T GO BROKE BECAUSE THE INCLUDED BANDWIDTH VOLUME HAS BEEN EXCEEDED!!!!"

I believe it was Aesop who noted that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Oh, and by contrast I should note that yesterday the blog only got 66 unique visits. That doesn't bother me -- after all, the blog is just my personal space, and as I'm not a grand internet celebrity I can totally understand why not too many people would be interested in my semi-daily musings -- but I do think it's kinda weird that business over here has remained pretty normal despite the SC spike. I mean I'd expect an increase of at least 20-40 visitors a day... but eh. Also, you'd think that I'd be getting more e-mails about the site (and maybe some donations!), but that hasn't been the case at all. Weird.

Anyway, go read the Pan article if you haven't already, and do leave comments about it on the previous entry. I wrote two more paragraphs on my latest short story and am planning to send two older pieces out again tomorrow, so if you enjoy the Pan piece feel free to encourage my fiction writing and such. And I took a moment to illustrate the thing, so do tell if you like the artwork too. And thanks for checking it out! 😀

What else... took quite a few pictures of last night's culinary excursion, so expect that to show up on SC one of these days. It's nothing particularly wacky, but it does involve the frying of apple slices and a moldy eggplant in grease. I cut the mold off of it first, of course.

Oh, and having been turned on to via their linking the internet ads article, I was poking through some of their stuff and there's some amusing content on there. (Some less funny stuff too, but eh, win some lose some.) Some of the hotlinks were particularly strange, and I dunno, but I feel kinda proud that anything on SC was deemed interesting enough to be linked alongside a page that contains instructions for carving a vagina out of a watermelon and fucking it, complete with a demonstration (suffice it to say that this link is NOT safe for work). The dude even cuts it open with intent to eat it afterwards. I dunno what to say.

So I guess I'll stop here. See you next time!

-posted by Wes | 8:54 am | Comments (0)
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