Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 23, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

So I mentioned last time that Stupid Internet Ads! got linked on Metafilter. Since then, it's been linked on Adrants and And I told you about the unique visitor tolls last time, right? Let's recap.

Friday: 1770
Saturday: 1326
Sunday: 674
Monday: 1090

Good! Ready for the latest figure?

Tuesday: 8196

Yep. Yesterday saw nearly 4 gigs of traffic, folks... which definitely puts us over the set bandwidth for the billing period. Which means I'm now footing the bill for all new incoming traffic. And if the period starts on the 17th of each month (and I think it might...), that's uh, not good. So yeah, hopefully some donations will come in at some point...

Anyway, new article that divulges the true nature of Pan. I wrote this one down on paper one day after I got out of the shower and kinda forgot about it -- it was more an exercise than anything, and really the idea of Pan as a vampire isn't all that original, given that one of the essential vampire movies was entitled The Lost Boys. Also, it's not much of a story and the characters aren't mine, so I didn't think I could sell it, but what with the recent influx of traffic I thought it would be nice to have some of my "fiction" read by the masses. I also felt compelled to illustrate it (nice way to "promote" my art), so go check it out for the drawings, too. They're quick and crude, none too detailed -- I knocked them all out last night pretty quickly -- but I still really like how they turned out. So yeah, now you know the truth about Pan.

And if you follow the Site Info block on the main page, I wrote some stuff there in an effort to encourage donations. Y'know, 'cause I could use 'em. JA FOR NOW!

-posted by Wes | 2:03 pm | Comments (0)
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