Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 22, 2004
Wes Skinless, SC spike, et cetera.
Category: Miscellany

So I haven't had a lot to say these past few days, namely because despite my gothic tendencies I don't want this to turn into a blog of dark depression and misery and dripping mascara -- suffice it to say that things are pretty bad. It might amuse you to know that on Thursday I dropped my hair clipper as I began to cut my hair, knocking the blade out of the cutter, breaking it, and leaving a dent in the floor to boot. I found a screwdriver and fixed the clipper, but now it doesn't work as well... or it works too well, depending on how you look at it. With the guard on (I generally shave my hair all over with the 1/8" guard), it doesn't cut quite as well as it used to. Without the guard, however (I only cut this way to line up the back on occasion), the blade cuts close enough to strip skin and shred flesh. And then my electric razor developed a nick in the foil guard (I didn't drop it; this just kinda happened), so that conspired to rip my skin off too... thus Thursday almost saw the birth of Wes Skinless, the newest member of the Cenobite Squad. And then I worked that night, only to come back and find out about Duncan shortly thereafter. Ugh. There's other stuff, too, which I'll spare you.

But for the moment I'm in less physical pain than I've been during the past week or two, so that's good. Also, Scary-Crayon's been pretty popular these last few days. The Stupid Internet Ads piece was linked on Metafilter on Friday, and apparently Metafilter's hella popular because they've brought in a lot of referrals. Now, SC generally gets about 100-200 unique visitors a day, sometimes a few more, sometimes a few less, but unless it gets linked on a popular forum the count never exceeds 250. I'm not sure what the highest number was before then -- probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 630, and that was back in February when the first TMNT anime article was still relatively fresh. But last Friday, SC got a whopping 1770 unique visitors, followed by 1326 on Saturday and 674 on Sunday. And then yesterday the site got 1090. Of course, most of the incoming people have only stayed for the 'net ads piece, but given that the Splinter article got just over 50 views (as opposed to the usual 10-20 for new articles), I'd guess that while we're still mostly riding the popularity wave from Metafilter and successive referrals, we've gotten a gaggle of regular readers out of the deal as well. Which would be great!

Even though I haven't gotten a ton of feedback (did get some, though) and nobody's leaving any donations. ;P I did watch some eps of Azumanga Daioh tonight, so that was good. And I took photos for two new SC food pieces... no idea when they'll go up (I've still got tons of food pieces photos lying around as it is), but someday you'll have the pleasure of retching at the stuff I came up with this time. Oh, yes...

Ja for now.

-posted by Wes | 3:14 am | Comments (0)
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