Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 15, 2006
LJ Recycling II!
Category: Miscellany

Here's another recycled LJ picture meme for the masses. This one entailed me allowing commenters to request one (or two) photographs they wanted to see of me, my environment, etc. -- frex, Greg asked me to post a picture of my front door. And then at the end I tacked on a few extra photos just because. It was kinda fun, so if there's anything you especially want to see, do let me know in the comments. Anyway, here are the pics from that meme along with the attendant explanations.

Requested: A picture of my DVD collection.

stacked DVD cases

Actually, this isn't my DVD collection. I keep most of the DVDs in booklets for easy access (the ones that remain in their cases are either box sets or do so because I've run out of space in the current booklets and need to buy another one), so the actual collection itself is fairly boring. However, I do keep the cases in various places throughout the house, the most visible of which is this stack in my room that is about as tall as I am. It would likely topple if it got too much higher, though (and it actually did fall once, which made my very unpretty room even more difficult to navigate), so I'm currently in the process of figuring out where to place incoming additions.

Requested: A picture of something red, rectangular, and spiffy.

red, rectangular, and spiffy

I made this during the CAD unit in one of my high school engineering courses. Using a computer program and specifying curves and drill depths and whatnot, I had to instruct a machine to cut my initials into a small red glass (or is it plastic?) square. It was pretty neat.

Requested: A picture of my top three action figures of all time.

three toys I really like

These are by no means my top three action figures of all time (I'd have a LOT of difficulty narrowing that one down, though I'm fairly certain that Abe Sapien of Hellboy fame would make the list), but these are three of the ones I like a lot and just happened to have on hand when I was snapping photos. Ken because it's really cool that he can actually be posed to look like he's doing a Shoryuken (the flame accessory is pretty neat too), Bulma because she's hot and looks more like her 2D animated counterpart than most of the 'toon based action figures I've seen, and Cutie Honey (which I suppose isn't really an action figure, given that she has no articulation and just stands there, or would if I ever took her out of the packaging) because she's just so... because, because just... you know? (Note: That's a reference to her theme song!) Plus I spent more than I should have importing this thing from the shores of Japan. 😛

Requested: A picture of my front door.

my front door

Snapping this photo of my front door actually required me to go outside, which I normally only do when I am checking the mailbox for more DVDs that I have ordered. None came on the day I took that photo. 🙁

Requested: A picture of me drinking not one, but two sodas at once.

not one, but two sodas at once!

Two sodas at once. I am clever! Pouring both sodas into the contents of a single container would also have worked, but I really wanted to use a straw. Two straws, even.

And: Other odd pics I wanted to share.

my boots wear in strange ways

Here's what the soles of my boots look like after three years of wear. Oddly enough, all of my boots wear out in the same strange inward-slanting fashion. Either I walk really awkwardly or this is a visual metaphor for how deep and solid and stuff I am on the inside versus what people see when they look at my outermost face.

stuff can get in there

Anyway, it results in parts of the soles being open, which means that rocks often accumulate in my boots during walks and rattle around and stuff. It's kind of annoying, so on occasion I have to stop and empty the shoes. If we take the rocks to be a representation of the negative views of me that people naturally develop as I walk through life, the metaphor becomes even more profound. Yes.


The results of that day's "draining." This is actually a pretty small number -- I've gotten upwards of fifteen rocks before -- and they weren't very big, so I didn't have any difficulty getting them out. Sometimes I'll get a larger rock trapped in there that won't come out and blocks the opening, making emptying the shoes a little more problematic. There's no metaphorical analogue for this part. 🙁

All for now, then. Until next time, minna-san!

-posted by Wes | 6:40 am | Comments (2)
  • De says:

    Em says I could probably make a couple of stacks that go from floor to ceiling. I need help.

  • Jenny says:

    Rocks are always getting stuck in the soles of my shoes, too! There's not enough room for them to rattle around--they just get stuck in indiviudual compartments. I tend not to notice them unless one is big enough to poke me through the sole, so I'm always fascinated to see the accumulation. Sometimes I can even identify where the little hangers-on have come from! (Obviously I need to get out more, seeing as I find this so interesting.)

Reply to Jenny!