Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 15, 2004
It's time for a photo post! With shirts.
Category: Miscellany

Well, I was halfway through this post when Firefox decided to crash on me. So I lost it. And I'm pissed. Therefore, the rewrite of this post won't be half as interesting as the original was. Hell, I'm not even going to try to make it as interesting as the original. It can't be done. So even if you're pleased with what follows, remember that the original was better. And blame Firefox for stealing your one opportunity to read it. Curse you, Firefox.

So I'm working on the next Scary-Crayon article -- should be up sometime later today, Wednesday at the latest. But while you wait (or after you finish, depending on when you get around to reading this), enjoy this photo post! Because (inferior or not) everyone loves photo posts! Even Count Pococurante. And if you got that reference, you just earned 50 bonus points! Spend them as you like.


I made this mixture the other night. GUESS WHAT'S IN IT! No, really. Guess. In the comments. I'll tell you next time. Here are two ingredients: milk and sugar. There are five others. GOOD LUCK!

SuperKids Staff!

So I was digging through some old clothes to find stuff I can wear to work (damn you, business casual dress code) and I came across these shirts. Remember this one, Julie? Of course you do.

Otakon '98!

And look what we have here -- a souvenir from the first anime convention I ever attended! Also, it's worth noting that I've attended Otakon every year since... and I'm not sure if that should make me swell with pride or feel incredibly depressed. Leaning towards the latter here. In fact, last year I declared that it would be the last year I ever attended Otakon... but now I'm not so sure. Granted, during last year's con there were extenuating circumstances, so it's not entirely the con's fault, but still it seems like every year Otakon is just more of the same... I dunno. I'd like to check out one of the big NY cons, maybe. I dunno. Any recommendations? I wanna go to a convention. 🙁

''FLASH! I'm in the coolest driver's high...''

Hey, speaking of anime, it's my GTO shirt! Came with the GTO box set #1 I got for Xmas. Good stuff, too! Perhaps I will watch it again and drink sake and hold my own anime convention for one. I will call it Wescon. I like that name.


And there's the shirt I got when I bought Resident Evil 2 during the first week it came out or something. I paid for it in all change, too, which was fun... I sat on one of the benches in the mall counting out $50 in mostly nickels and dimes, and then the cashier got the pleasure of counting it out all over again when I paid at the register! Mua ha ha ha! Oh how I loved that game. ZOMBIES!

Here's to twin buddies.

And given all of the positive comments about the last shirtless pic, here's one of me and E.T. that didn't go up with A Random Lunch #4. It's pretty much the same pic, just without the thumbs up. I liked the thumbs up better.

So there you are. Photos! And a food mystery. Guess away. And comment on other stuff as you like. See you next time!

-posted by Wes | 3:31 am | Comments (0)
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