Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 13, 2005
And now, Crayon Poetry Corner.
Category: SC Updates

I posted this last night but am just getting around to linking it on the blog -- Crayon Poetry Corner #12, entitled "Wander Drunk After Four" and based rather obviously on certain events from my recent Memorial Day weekend adventures. Rah.

So, how was your weekend? I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd intended to -- just a few pages drawn for that illustrated storybook and the opening pages of (one of) my novels -- but I did get to catch up on rest, so that was good. I also watched the remaining episodes of "Street Fighter II: V", finishing up with the last two eps this morning (I'd risen early to cut my hair and finished quite ahead of schedule). The latter half of the series definitely wasn't as good as the first, and Vega/Bison ended up being a weird megalomaniacal environmentalist, but eh, it's over. Anyway, that's what I did.

And now I am at fucking work. 🙁 Ja.

-posted by Wes | 8:35 am | Comments (4)
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