Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 12, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

It's true, it's true! Crayon Poetry Corner #4 is up for your enjoyment. Also, I'm trying out a new header graphic on the main page. Eventually I'm planning to draw something for that spot -- either entirely on the PC or by hand and scanned -- but in the meantime this'll do just fine. For the new post, I'm leaning towards all PC graphics, just because they look so odd, though I may make use of some preexisting drawings too (like THE CAT WITH HANDS, even some older childhood works), so we'll see how that turns out. Whenever I get around to it, anyway. For now, you get a bunch of monsters and crap. w00t.

So. Crayon Poetry Corner #4. New main page graphic. Ja for now.

-posted by Wes | 12:08 pm | Comments (0)
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