Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 9, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

I promised it yesterday, but A Random Lunch #4 is finally up now. By the way, here's how it works -- if I say an article is going up on a specific day (i.e. "today") and it's not up by say 3 or 4 PM, expect it the next day. I try to have new updates ready on the third or fourth (though sometimes it's not until the fifth) day following the last update, so to give me more time I'll try to get 'em out earlier in the day as opposed to later. I haven't done a whole lot of posting articles really early (like at 5 PM on "yesterday") yet, but I don't doubt that I'll do it at some point. Anyway, the latest offering in the Random Lunch series is the best yet in more ways than one. Among other things, it's actually remotely healthy!

Show-off. -_-;;;

The proof is in the puddin', puddin'. There's another photo along these lines in the article, so if you find these appealing you've got extra incentive to read it now. Plus you'll end up with something you can make at home in your kitchens that is not only excellent but (unlike THE SANDWICH SO WEIRD it frightens McGriddles) probably won't significantly damage your body in any way. At least if you use fresh ingredients...

Also, I updated the Site Info bar on the main page with a few words about the two latest links and another paragraph soliciting more. I'm thinking I may move 'em all to a links page in the near future, possibly with a written endorsement of each link, so we'll see how that goes. Rah!

And I guess that's it for this post. Enjoy A Random Lunch #4! And feel free to leave some comments for me. Ja. 🙂

-posted by Wes | 4:19 am | Comments (0)
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