Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 7, 2005
The GRE and books I've read.
Category: Books

I think I'll take the GRE this summer. Still probably won't apply to grad school in December, though -- with the exception of creative writing, there's not really a subject I'm interested in studying in-depth right now (in an academic setting, anyway; I do enjoy philosophy, frex, but I've grown weary of academic pretension, even though I'm fairly good at affecting it). Maybe that'll change in the coming years (assuming I'm around for them, which seems highly unlikely), but in the meantime at least a good score on the GRE would bolster my self-esteem in the company of these hot-shot academic achievers. At least then I'll have something with which to nurse my intellectual pride when those people shun me for the company of "smarter" and more well-to-do individuals!

And now, a list of books/literature I've read in the past month and a half:

No Exit and Three Other Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
Carrie Pilby by Caren Lissner
In the Palm of Darkness by Mayra Montero
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Marco's Millions by William Sleator
The White Bone by Barbara Gowdy
What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson

I started reading The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe this morning. It's not bad so far! And hopefully I'll have a review of The White Bone up on Scary-Crayon either tonight or tomorrow night. Anyway, ja!

-posted by Wes | 10:49 am | Comments (5)
  • Alden says:

    u need to read more Stephen King!!! i love his writing... The Shining is his BEST (of the ones i've read so far, that is...)

  • Jasmin says:

    hm. i LUV books! don't pay attention to her!*points up*

    well, she has a very good taste in books, so....

    I just personally don' the writing....hehe. You might like it.....MIGHT....

    Just wanted to stop by and say Hello!*waves*

    So.....hello! and....i like the DPH #43! It was verrrrry funny. U hav SUCH a way with words....jk! well....yea. I just wanted to let u kno that i am still here! i have just been really busy with my xanga....hehe.

  • Wes says:

    Glad to see you two are still around. (Btw, why don't you list your xanga page in the link box, Jazz?) And re Alden's suggestion, I haven't read The Shining (and actually, I've heard that The Stand is his best book; haven't read that either, though I liked the miniseries), but what I have read of Stephen King's work hasn't terribly impressed me. I think he's an interesting person, mind you (see this post for a few thoughts on that and a photo!), but I don't think he's a terribly good writer. Of course, he's been published like umpteen billion times, whereas my writing has only been met with rejection... so obviously tastes differ.

  • Becky says:

    What about eventually teaching philosophy at the college level?

  • Wes says:

    I guess right now I don't find that to be all that appealing, Becky. It would be a living, and I'd probably be good at it, but the prospect of teaching philosophy doesn't excite me (but then, nothing does these days). I also think it would be more beneficial to students if they learned it at the high school level -- natch, I don't have much faith in the practical usefulness of an undergraduate philosophy degree -- so... yeah.

Reply to Wes!