Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 6, 2005
Boola Boola!
Category: Miscellany

You know what I've been getting a lot of lately? Money-grubbing e-mails from Yale. It fucking pisses me off -- I can't even afford to move out of my mother's house, and here the school that got $140K out of dear old dad for four years of torment and murder/rape accusations and a degree that apparently isn't worth the paper on which it's printed has the audacity to ask me for money so that other undegraduates can have "the same great experience" that I had. And then they have the nerve to write, "Boola Boola!" in the subject line! What the fuck does that mean? Seriously.

I should fucking skin Handsome Dan alive.

-posted by Wes | 2:30 pm | Comments (9)
  • T.A.B. says:

    "Boola Boola" is the Yale alma-mater. Alfalfa and company sang it on an episode of "The Little Rascals".

  • Wes says:

    Shit, you know more about it than I do and actually make a decent living to boot -- why aren't they asking you for money?

  • Alden says:

    haha! finally finished Angel! (dvds are beautiful things...) i cant belive they just left it hanging like that! All my friends are tired of me talking about it, i figured i could find solace here... (lol)

  • Wes says:

    You're about a year late, Alden! I blogged about that here way back when. But still, you're welcome to discuss it here. 🙂

    I wrote about the Buffy series finale two days later -- just type "buffy series finale" into the search box and it should take you right to it! 😀

  • Alden says:

    well, i didn't come to this site a year ago... if i had known about it i would have, but i didn't...

  • Alden says:

    i'm glad to have sumone to tlk to about it tho... and besides i just finished the DVDs (didn't watch it when it first aired) so i wouldn't be able to talk about the ending a year ago... whatever, alls well that ends well i guess....

  • Wes says:

    Yeah, I wasn't scolding you for not being here a year ago! Just saying. 🙂

    I like Illyria.

  • heg says:

    $ MOOLA MOOLA $,

  • Becky says:

    That pisses me off, too. TCU does that to me, even just a couple months after graduation. I told them how idiotic it was for me to be able to "give back" during my first job.

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