Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 3, 2005
A movie meme!
Category: Meme

Two posts back-to-back! Can you tell I'm bored here? 😛

So a week or so ago the lovely Becky Pretz took part in a pass-it-on movie meme deal (in that post, she also took the music meme I posted the other day). I wasn't formally tapped by anyone, but it looked interesting, so I'm passing the magic stick to myself! w00t! So let's go -- it's meme time! Not to be confused with Me-Me, the cheetah with a craving for baby elephant flesh. (You'll get that reference when I review Barbara Gowdy's The White Bone on Scary-Crayon next week! :))

Total number of films I own on DVD/video: Bloody hell. My DVD collection is here, which, at the time of this writing, boasts 200 entries. However, seeing as how that counts the numerous multi-movie packages I own as single entries (frex, the 50 Horror Classics set given to me by the lovely Jax) and considering that I own several DVDs that aren't in DVD Profiler's database -- and my VHS tapes and VCDs, of course -- I'd say... somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 movies. Possibly 500.

The last film I bought: Hmmm. Most recently, I bought two more volumes of "Azumanga Daioh" and the "Steel Angel Kurumi" box set, but those are television shows, not films. So with films proper, the last two would be A Gun, a Car, a Blonde and Mr. Vampire, which I purchased at the same time.

Interruption: This dude just came to the office because he accidentally purchased a bottle of water from the vending machine -- he wanted a soda -- and wanted us to give him money for the water so he could go back and get the soda. What the hell? Of course, we don't have anything to do with the vending machines, but even if we did, c'mon, man. When that happens, you just suck it up and drink the water.

The last film I watched: Not counting "Street Fighter II: V" episodes, A Gun, a Car, a Blonde.

Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me (in no particular order): Hmmm. Films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me... but not necessarily my favorites? And only five? ... OK.

Before Sunrise
Moon Child
Night of the Living Dead
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Interview with the Vampire

Tag 5 people and have them put this in their journal: Sure! Mickey, TAB, Dave, Parizad, and Wendy. YAY!

So that's all, then. I also drew two new Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flashes today -- funny ones, at that! So look for those soon on SC. And... ja! 😀

-posted by Wes | 1:15 pm | Comments (8)
  • Becky says:

    Thanks for the compliments, Wes. You put your DVD collection online? You have quite the collection, even your top five and it's interesting to see how that goes with your personality, stories and drawings.

  • Wes says:

    Yep, I think the online listing with DVD Profiler is pretty cool, since other people can browse my entire selection and draw whatever conclusions they want about me from the movies I own, or venture to discuss certain films on there that they own as well, etc. (Besides, it makes shopping for me hella easy, since all one needs to do is avoid getting me something already on the list! As you can tell, I get a kick out of owning random movies, even when I hate them. ;))

    So, did the list give you any insights into the mind of the Wes? 😀

  • T.A.B. says:

    I may not get to the meme for a while. Don't be offended. 🙂

  • Wes says:

    OK! Btw, I only tapped five because that's what the meme said, but anyone else who wants to participate is welcome to do so! BE YOUR OWN MASTER! REACH FOR YOUR FATE WITH YOUR OWN TWO HANDS! Or something...

  • Burton says:

    Azumanga Daioh? YES. I love that show. It's too good, seriously.

  • Mickey says:

    This has led me down the path of another project: to create a list of all the video tapes and DVDs I own, which will lead me to the garage, where the majority of them are right now.

    Cool! I've been wanting to do that for a long time, anyhow. =)

  • Wes says:

    Burton: Yeah, Azu has my heart. I've cried watching that show.

    Mickey: Get DVD Profiler! Very helpful for cataloguing one's DVDs, though it doesn't count VHS or VCDs. But if it included those it would be Visual Media Profiler, wouldn't it? 😉

  • Burton says:

    I almost cried when Sakaki got that Irimote (?) wildcat for her own. It was too great. Sakaki>j00. Seriously.

Reply to T.A.B.!