Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 1, 2008
Enough with the creepy, Steven Moffat

The stuff of nightmares.

Seriously. I loved "Blink", but this latest episode was just too fucked up for words. Isn't this supposed to be a children's show? I draw the line at shadows eating the flesh of pretty women and the faces of not-so-pretty women ending up on freakish modern art sculptures, thanks.

I miss "The Sarah Jane Adventures". 😐

-posted by Wes | 1:07 am | Comments (5)
  • T.A.B. says:

    Just because the show was originally geared for children doesn't mean it shouldn't appeal to anyone. I believe Davies now targets pre-teens for the show.

    Fantastic episode. Now Moffat has me scared of the dark as well as statues.

  • Mickelodeon says:

    I haven't seen this one - just watched Poisonous Sky on Friday with the emm (after TSJA...when's she coming back???) and still have quite a few backlogged.

  • Wes says:

    TAB: I agree that the show doesn't need to be excessively toned down for kids, but I do think that there is a level of creepiness to which "children's" media -- and most stuff, actually -- should not aspire. "Blink" was fine, but I think this episode crossed a line. Not only that, but it crossed it inconsistently. Some stuff had me squirming and cringing; other stuff -- like "HEY, WHO TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS" dude -- was pretty stupid. Then there was the confusing stuff with the little girl and the annoying stuff with spoiler lady.

    I mean, it's possible that everything will be resolved so satisfactorily next week that I'll say, "Ohhhhhhhh," and give the last episode a complete pass for its flaws, but as it is I just feel like Moffat got a little too ambitious with his story and fell short in all respects. And since his previous episodes set the bar so high, this one was quite the letdown for me.

    Mick: I'm not sure when Sarah Jane's coming back, but I'd guess it's not far off now! I'll be sure to let you know the second I see the trailer advertising her appearance in the next episode. And I'm so glad to hear that your mom was willing to give TSJA and the Doctor another shot! Has her opinion of the shows improved yet? 🙂

  • dave says:

    I'm a few episodes before. I'm more disappointed that the show is now geared for morons in a way that the original never was. "Good enough for a moron" is apparently now the benchmark.

  • Wes says:

    Dave: I still need to get back to you on that, but this is a good observation. I'm not sure that that's necessarily a bad thing -- it's possible to have great media that appeals to idiots and thinkers alike -- but I do think the current Who (if not all of the writers) places too much emphasis on shimmer and perhaps not enough on even the semblance of depth.

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