Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
June 1, 2005
Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #42!
Category: SC Updates

Yep, it's here -- Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #42! I actually did see a girl wearing that shirt on the metro this past weekend, and I actually did say, "Nice shirt," to her. And then I said, "Does that mean you'd never kiss me in a million years, you fucking discriminatory shirt-wearing cunt?!?" No, I didn't say that. I went to Hooters and ate raw oysters instead.

Raw oysters...

Yup. Anyway, Dusty Plastic HELL: Hot Flash #42. Featuring another comic book character cameo!!! Ja.

-posted by Wes | 10:21 pm | Comments (15)
  • Becky says:

    Haha, that was too funny. You like raw oysters? Hmmm... you know what they say about them? I will eat them if someone else really wants them, but I can take or leave them.

  • Red Skull kicks so much ass.

  • stacie says:

    you see the most interesting people on the metro...

  • T.A.B. says:

    That was amusing.

  • Josh says:

    That was funny : ]

  • Wes says:

    Glad y'all have liked it so far. 🙂

    And no, Becky, I'm not particularly fond of raw oysters -- I'd never had them before and I was feeling all adventurous and independent so I figured I'd give them a shot. Not terrible, but I don't think I'd go out of my way to have them again! I think prefer my oysters cooked.

    What they say about oysters is true, btw...

  • Scorn the Terrible says:

    You mean they give you superhuman abilities for 48 hours after ingesting them? If that's what you mean then yeah, it is true.

    Careful, though; they can also turn your body into a vessel for demons to possess. And some of those demons can be real dicks, as I know from experience.

  • Jazz says:

    Nice Hot Flash! Oysters are nasty.....well, actually, I don't like any type of seafood, so....hehe!

  • Wes says:

    Scorn: Actually, I've known those powers to last even longer than 48 hours! And "real dicks"... good one! 😀

    Jazz: The not liking oysters I can understand -- they taste very odd, though the raw ones aren't quite as flavorful -- but not liking any type of seafood? Not even sushi? Amazing! You really should try eel, Jazz... it's great.

  • Jazz says:

    NO.SEAFOOD IS NASTY. Well, ok, I like shrimp. BUT: Only if it is breaded and I eat it with sauce...and, eel? EEL?! Wtf would compel you to ask me to try eel? I assume it tastes like squid(I have tasted is DISGUSTING) or something of that know, things that dwell the bottom of the ocean...and I really don't think I could handle it. Although, perhaps I will taste it when I am older and I don't, you know, gag on it. I heard that your tastebuds change every seven years. Maybe I will get a taste for *ahem* seafood...

    Oh, and Phyliss says hi back. Just thought you would like to know!( Beacause I don't think you can see her waving at the computer screen.)

  • Greg says:

    I love seafood, perticularly things from the crab/lobster/shrimp variety. Oysters are good too. I haven't hardly tried enough sushi in my life.

  • Jazz says:

    yuck. ive tried sushi. my eyes watered, and that was the end of my experience!

  • Wes says:

    Maybe you just tried the wrong kind of sushi! Unagi (that's eel!) rolls are great. 😉

  • Jazz says:

    STOP WITH THE EELS! they are gross. the end.

  • Wes says:

    Mmmmmmm... eeeeeeeeeeel. 😉

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