Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 17, 2006
WESOTERIC: Now running WordPress 2.02!

Like the topic says, I upgraded the site to WordPress 2.02 tonight. Looks exactly the same from the outside, but inside it's got lots of new stuff, I guess. More secure and whatnot. I've already had to make a few changes to the template due to differences and anticipate having to make even more in the near future (ugh). My internal control panel looks quite a bit different, too -- like it might take some getting used to. But change is good, right?

Anyway, to commemorate the WordPress upgrade, I've added a few new random images to the sidebar block that links to my DVD collection. I'd intended to add the nice even number of eight, but apparently there was one sitting around that I'd forgotten to add previously, bringing the grand total of new images to nine (with twenty-three in all). Not that you pay much attention to it, of course. Anyway, here are the images -- bonus points if you can guess the films/shows they're from. 🙂

New random image!
New random image!New random image!
New random image!New random image!
New random image!New random image!
New random image!New random image!

All for now, then -- until next time! 😀

-posted by Wes | 12:32 am | Comments (2)
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