Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 13, 2004
Scary-Crayon Updated!
Category: SC Updates

Part of me feels like I should be shot for writing this ever, let alone posting it on Scary-Crayon, but here we go -- a loose translation and summary of Virgil's Aeneid, lines 1-267, entitled "Aeneas in da 'Hood". Yes, I took the Aeneid and made it urban. As noted in the disclaimer, it was actually my Latin III project, on which I actually received an A... Why? I don't know. Nor am I exactly sure why our teacher approved it. Well, there it is, alongside a bunch of scans that are marginally related to the action of the "poem". Enjoy...

In other news, I've been looking over the new Blogger features, and whoa, there are a lot of them. Like comments, for one. I kinda like the Reblogger script, but since Blogger's got a commenting function now I'll probably switch over to that in accordance with Ockham's Razor -- to use one service for blogging and another thing for commenting seems a bit like multiplying unnecessary entities when it would be simpler to just use the same service for both. And apparently Blogger's also got it set up so that posts can be archived on their own pages now? That's sweet; I'll probably be making use of that soon too... And I did find that Blogger still lists the 10 most recently updated blogs, they're just at the bottom right of the screen now instead of the upper left. Woo!

So I'm starting to get used to this new Blogger. Maybe soon I'll even switch to a new blog template, or tweak this one to make it look more similar to SC's updated site design. Probably the latter. I've already modified the resume along those lines, as well as a few of the older SC articles. And I still need to finish that personal page of mine...

Tomorrow (i.e. today) I'm thinking I'll go into DC to attend this Happy Hour deal for graduates of snooty universities. It's not until 6 PM, though, so I'll probably leave early and make a day of it, skipping around the city and probably revisiting Virginia's Crystal City Labyrinth, among other places. But first I'll have to cut my hair. Argh! And I'll need to charge the digicam, too.

And I was going to say more about the lameness of Troy, given that the latest ads for it are boasting rave reviews (this is why they need me reviewing films -- to counter the mindless gushers who will praise anything that looks pretty and expensive -- though it is somewhat comforting to see that presently the film only has a 45% overall rating on Rotten Tomatoes), but we'll save that for next time.

"Aeneas in da 'Hood"...bloody hell.

-posted by Wes | 1:54 am | Comments (0)
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