Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
May 4, 2004
Ketchup, Photos, and Tears.
Category: Miscellany

Alrighty, I've got a fun-filled photo post for you tonight. But first, a few notes about Scary-Crayon and other stuff, for anyone who's interested...

The last couple of days on SC have been REALLY busy, with 460 unique visits on Sunday and 537 unique visits on Monday (yesterday). That's AMAZING. But apparently (and perhaps unsurprisingly), the majority of the people are only coming for the first TMNT anime review -- and the first page of it at that -- although I've reviewed the second episode since then, not to mention a whole host of other crap. I mean it's nice that the article's being read -- and I certainly worked hard on it -- but I opened the site with this piece and it's still the most popular thing on the site. (I really like the recent coprophagy piece, but it only got nine views yesterday, as opposed to the 254 views that the page one of the first TMNT anime received.) And the really sad part is that most of the people viewing it aren't even reading the text. Only about a fifth of the people make it through all three pages of the article, and reading over the comments on these forums (it recently got linked in a lot of forums, thus explaining the surge), it's pretty obvious that few people actually read it, since there are questions and comments and such that are answered in the article. For example, people go on about how they'd like to buy it and ask each other where they can do so, but I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I got mine on eBay...and on eBay, lo and behold, here it is. But hopefully some of these folks will come back to see what else SC has to offer.

And hey, speaking of ebay, I won another box o' toys auction. It SEEMED like a great deal, but then I got the invoice with the shipping costs...and it turns out that the shipping was nearly twice as much as the cost of the auction itself. And y'know what? THAT REALLY HURTS. SC needs more donations. Anyway, when this stuff comes, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth as far as articles go, and admittedly there are several that should come in handy for some of the upcoming SC pieces. There are also a few duplicate figures in the lot, and some that I already have around maybe I can auction 'em off on ebay to support the site? I dunno, but here's hoping I can get a job soon to help with the finances around here.

Oh, and speaking of figures (don't you love the segues?), my Classic Teen Titans set came today. These figures are awesome! No photos of them yet, but don't worry; you'll see them on SC soon enough. I did, however, promise you photos, so here we go.


The other week we went to the mall in Annapolis, where the Zutopia store was closing...and I was able to snag those guys above for $1 each. They had a ton of 'em, and I *knew* I should've gotten more, but I didn't...and when we went back a couple of days later, ALL WERE GONE. Oh, I was kicking myself. But I got three, right? I had no idea what this guy is or where he came from, but I thought he should have a I christened him "Suture". Bonus points if you can guess why. I later found that he already had a name, but he'll always be Suture to me. 🙂


I mentioned that my Saturday sucked. AND HERE BE THE REASON WHY. I stepped in gum. :(((((


Here's a zoom in on the picture. I was so angry that I didn't think to take a zoomed in shot of the gum, so this is all you get. Oh, how pissed was I. You have no idea how much I like my boots...I've more/less worn these same boots for the past five years. Oh, I haven't been wearing the same PAIR that long (only around a year for these), but I tend to get pretty much the same style by the same company (Sketchers) every time I get a new pair. So it's really like refreshing my old pair. Anyway, I <3 my boots, and I stepped in gum. Do you know how much I hate stepping in gum? It pisses me off. Why do people insist on spitting used gum on the ground? There are wastebaskets ALL OVER THE PLACE, and how much trouble would it be for them to KEEP CHEWING THE BLASTED GUM until they get to one? But noooo, they can't do that; the flavor's gone!!! Bastards. >:(


So with a toothpick, a Q-tip, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol, I went to work trying to clean the gunk out of my boot. As you can see, I got a lot of crap, but I STILL couldn't get all of the gum out. Eventually I got tired and frustrated and stopped.


But see, here's the worst part. While trying to get the gum out, I accidentally undid one of the stitches on the bottom of the boot. See that? I DONE RUINEDEDED MAH BOOT. And I STILL couldn't get all of the gum out! This is bloody awful, folks.


So that's the tale. I am sad, my boot is sad, Dido the gargoyle is sad. We are all sad. :(((((((

So here's something to cheer us up. And apparently Wendy had some nice words for us too. Thanks, Wendy!

Alright, I'm down and out. Ja ne.

-posted by Wes | 1:48 am | Comments (0)
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