Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 19, 2008
Why didn't anyone tell me...
Category: Technical Stuff

...that the search was broken? Not that you were supposed to notice, mind you -- I just found out myself when I went to search for an old post and couldn't find it because it wasn't among the first five posts and the handy page navigation thing wasn't there!

Turns out that when I updated the corresponding plugin in January I forgot that I made the structural organization of Scary-Crayon and Wesoteric different, so there's a subtle difference in the code for each plugin that causes the SC version to fail under certain circumstances on Wesoteric (and vice versa). But now that problem has been fixed (I think/hope so, anyway!), so feel free to search to your heart's content. 🙂

This post was almost accompanied by a photo of the recently trimmed Bacardi, but he just ran away when I went to get the camera! Some other time, then... but so as not to deprive you of cuteness, here's an old linked page that I came across while searching for that post. I do love the blue. 😉

-posted by Wes | 11:20 am | Comments (3)
  • Jaded says:

    I didn't tell you 'cause I've never tried to use the search function. I don't know what to search for...sheesh.

    While I have had any number of interesting hair colors, some natural looking and some straight from the Crayola box, I have never had blue hair. Blue's not generally my color.

    Hope all is well.

  • Wes says:

    It wasn't a serious indictment, Jaded! And in any case, it's fixed now. So yay! 🙂

    Everyone looks good in blue.

  • Jaded says:

    Just stopping by to say hi.


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