Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 14, 2004
Scary-Crayon updated! Etc.
Category: SC Updates

New Scary-Crayon article up -- a short review of Blood Sucking Freaks. It's way too awful to review in full. I've got a lot of horrible movies along those lines, so expect more short reviews in the future.

I'm still seeking recommendations for a news program for SC. To read more about exactly what I want from it, click here. Thanks!

And if you've got a page along the lines of SC, send me your URL (via e-mail or the comments below) so I can link you over there! I'd prefer it if you sent an 88 x 33 pixel button (non-animated) to go with your link, 'cause it makes the main page look pretty, but if you don't have one I'll begrudgingly give you a text link. And if you're already linked and have a button (or feel like making one), gimme!

So things with the site have been pretty slow lately (which isn't surprising; updates have been kinda sparse), but take a look at these stats from Monday. Note that the most popular pages on the site, following the splash and the main, are two of the error pages. Weird. Since I haven't gotten any e-mails about broken links -- and since I haven't come across any myself during my page crawls -- I'm not sure what to make of it. Are there lots of broken links I've missed, or is that the result of people checking out the error pages via Saturday's blog entry? I dunno!

Oh, and I've heard from my mother that two family members who have visited the site have called SC the work of a "crazy person" and have suggested that I be forced to attend therapy sessions. What do you think? Certainly that's worth a comment or two.

And in other news, Mac posted a response to my last entry (scroll down or click here, as necessary). I intend to write a lengthier reply to it in the near future, but not tonight. For the time being, however, I'll respond briefly as follows:

In his introduction, Mac writes, "It's difficult to write without emotion here, seeing that I view God as my Father, and anyone who slanders or attacks his character would be seen in the same light as someone who rips into my mother..." To this, I reply that I needn't say much to attack the character of the Christian God. The Bible speaks far worse of this deity than any slanders I could conceive -- I need only direct one to such verses as 2 Samuel 24:14-15, in which God sends a pestilence that kills seventy thousand people, and Numbers 14:32-34, in which God renegs on a promise and asserts that the carcasses of these people will waste in the wilderness. Granted, I admit that not all of the verses of the Bible are indicative of such viciousness and malevolence, but as Ingersoll wrote in "What Would You Substitute for the Bible as a Moral Guide?" (specifically with reference to the New Testament, though I think it applies to the whole of the Bible), "If you take the cruel passages, the verses that inculcate eternal hatred, verses that writhe and hiss like serpents, you can make a creed that would shock the heart of a hyena."

That does it for this post, then. I have comments now; use them!

-posted by Wes | 12:47 am | Comments (0)
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