Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 10, 2004
Custom error pages for Scary-Crayon!
Category: SC Updates

So I finally got around to making these. Here, have a look see.

Error 400 Bad Syntax

I have no idea what constitutes bad syntax, but if someone manages to pull it off, SC's got 'im/'er covered with an error page. Strange image, don't you think? 😉

Error 401 Authorization Required

I don't actually have any pages that require authorization, but in the event that I decide to start giving sneak previews of upcoming articles and such, anyone not part of the in-crowd will have to face the mighty Supermutant villains.

Error 403 Forbidden

Instead of linking directly to the page itself, the above link will take you to a "forbidden" page -- which will trigger the error message. The only time I can see this one popping up is when people try to access directory indices that don't exist, or maybe if an image is hotlinked from an external server. Dark Mu is so cute!

Error 404 File Not Found

Here, the link points to a nonexistent file. The error is self-explanatory.

Error 500 Bad Script Request

This one's only gonna show up when I'm in the process of trying to do something script-wise and not being very successful at it.

So yep, that's that. I really enjoyed picking out the images, too -- they're all from episode one of the TMNT anime. I was planning to throw in a few from the second episode as well, but I've already zipped those up so I wouldn't have had the helpful Windows Explorer thumbnails to guide me a long. Ah well. So whenever I get the personal website up I'll probably make custom error pages for the personal subdomain too. If I can do that, anyway. I'm not sure. Guess we'll find out someday. 🙂

Until next time!

-posted by Wes | 8:07 am | Comments (0)
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