Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 9, 2005
Category: Linkage

For some reason I'm really exhausted, so I'm going to turn in early tonight (yes, 12:30 AM is early for me), but I didn't want to leave y'all with nothing. So here are a few odd links I've been saving:

Reprinted in the Mutant Frog Travelogue: Princeton U. bans harassment suspect.

Linked in the Freak Girl's Pew: Mmm... butterfinger.

Oh, and I've added a category listing for such linkage in the future, but no, I'm not going back and marking all of the old posts as such. I know, I know. You'll deal.

Anyway, should have another SC update for you soon enough -- possibly a new food piece, and there are some wild game reviews on the horizon as well. For those of you who are fans of the bookstore Hot Flashes, don't worry -- even though next Friday will be my last day at the bookstore, I've still got enough material to keep them going for at least another few weeks. And then they will be no more! But new entertainments will appear in their stead. Ja.

-posted by Wes | 12:46 am | Comments (3)
  • Hey.. I'm finally home from Scotland and I've got Internet access back at home so I'm online and my site has been updated. Wesoteric looks awesome.. I'm going to catch up on the posts I've missed in the next couple nights. Be well.

  • Scummy says:

    Thanks for giving us the finger, Wes; a finger sandwich, will never taste the same again. Maybe someone found a novel way to get rid of their wife , it is a strange world.