Thus revealed, the creature buried its nose in the tire-tilled soil...
April 8, 2004
Category: Meme

Or I might have 'em up today. You really never know with me. So yeah, looks like I got the comments thing set up. Simple enough. Took me a while (well, 10 mins) to figure it out, so there might be some stuff I didn't get right, but I think it shooooould be working ok. Guess we'll find out in a sec, 'cause unless somebody beats me to it I'm gonna go first.

Feh, let's kill another quiz while we're at it. This one's been all over the place, so I'm not sure who to credit with "discovering" it. I know Irene had it, but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere else too. Oh well.

Grammar God!

You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Knowing no how gotten grammer GoD scoring on quiz, four bad gram-AR from me came.

Actually I guess that sentence was just aaaaall messed up. Who am I kidding? I may not be perfect enough to call a "Grammar God", but I have difficulty faking genuine bad grammar. Sigh.

So go on, try to comment. I dare you. ;P

-posted by Wes | 8:24 pm | Comments (0)
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